Chapter 13: A Dark Future

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Here is the continuation with a small trip for Kyria. Hope you like it. Feel free to vote or comment.

Kyria's point of view

Next day,

To get away from the tension between the two men in my life, I decided to walk around the estate. With my lightsabers tucked away at my belt and my Jedi outfit, I enjoyed the soothing scenery provided by the mountains and the dense nature. Seeing this was enough to make me forget the war and all the torment it brought. I didn't count the number of sleepless nights, fearing a separatist bombing or seeing the faces of people I couldn't save or having their lives shattered by the conflict. And then...there was Palpatine.

I didn't understand how Anakin could trust him. To me, he was just another politician. Manipulative, thinking only of his own ambitions and comfort. He could put on the sweetest face and the most soothing speeches, but I couldn't help but have an unpleasant feeling when I looked at him. And the fact that this war was giving him access to more power only made me more suspicious of him.

I should listen to Anakin and stop having such unpleasant thoughts. To enjoy these moments. With that in mind, I lay down on the grass and closed my eyes, letting the calmness of the environment soothe me and the Force take me in its embrace. As I let myself be carried away by it, I felt my mind drift away from my body, as if lost in the darkness. I don't know how long I stayed in the dark before I finally heard the sounds of the river and the green nature in my ears. When I opened my eyes, I noticed no particular change. So I got up and stretched, before going in the direction of the family house.

Me: I hope that the two of them have finally reached an agreement. This war is hard enough as it is!

I entered the house, and I was surprised by the quietness dominating the room. Amazed, I reached out with my right hand to use the Force to see if there were other people in the house. I sensed, to my relief, my older brother and Breha, but also another presence I didn't know. It was strange....Familiar, but unknown at the same time. Why?

Voice: Who are you?

I broke my concentration, to see a young woman with brown hair, watching me with chocolate brown eyes, strangely similar to our father. Her frown reminded me of Anakin, but I didn't understand why. She looked at me warily, a blaster pistol in my direction. But who was this girl? Anakin's sister? I had to be clever to get the answer to that question

Me: I was going to ask you the same question.

Woman: I'm the one with the gun.

I didn't know who this woman was or why she was in my house. Maybe a separatist spy or worse. A Sith, given her powerful connection to the Force. I had to come up with an alias, for now.

Me: Starlis. Shmi Starlis

If I had a daughter, that was the name I would give her, to honor Anakin's mother. Wait...why would I think that?

Woman: What are you doing here?

Me: To rest

Woman: I don't believe you. Are you an imperial spy?

Me: Imperial? Are you kidding me!? This is the Republic!

Damn it! Me and my mouth...And to my regret, that only made her distrust worse

Suspicious woman: There hasn't been a Republic for nineteen years.

Nineteen years....Could it felt my heart speed up and my vision begin to blur. The Jedi...Master Ceres...Ahsoka...Obi-wan...Padme...Anakin...

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