Chapter 2: Kyria's decision

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Here is the continuation, with the initiative of Kyria concerning the feelings of the young man. However, is this enough to make him back off? Arkasis is a planet that I invented, as well as the system.

One year later,

I was sitting cross-legged, trying to calm myself. Days before, my master and I were sent on a diplomatic mission to Arkasis in the Zerka system, in the Outer Rim. Arkasis was known for its raw materials for making various sweet and alcoholic drinks.

And what I had seen, deeply annoyed me. The ruler of the planet was behaving like a tyrant, living off the wealth of trade, while leaving his population in misery. The worst was his behavior towards his servants and dancers. How could my master stand it?

Our mission was to calm the tensions that were there. We succeeded, after signing a treaty, giving guarantees to the rebels and allowing for the collection of more wealth for the population. However, given the behavior of the leader, we have no assurance that this treaty will be respected in the long term.

We should have deposed him and let the people appoint their leader. Instead, we keep a greedy bastard in power, supposedly for the stability of the Republic.

My master used to blame me for being hot-blooded, concerning injustices. That I couldn't fight against all of them and that I had to accept some of them. How could he tell me that?

Voice: Are you okay, Kyria?

I opened my eyes to see Anakin's deep blue eyes. He was staring at me with worried eyes, no doubt sensing my tension. I tried to smile at him, to reassure him. However, he stared at me with unconvinced eyes.

Anakin: You're not good at lying.

I sighed.

Me: I've been told that many times. My face is too expressive, it seems.

Anakin: I don't mind.

Me: What are you doing here otherwise?

Anakin: Obi-Wan said I should learn to control my emotions. So he sent me to meditate with you.

Me smiling: I can understand that meditating is not your thing, Anakin. But, you should do it. It helps calm you down.

Anakin: Really?

Me: I assure you it does.

I could tell by his expression that he was not convinced. However, he did not protest and sat down, following me in my meditation. I let my mind calm down, in the Force, giving the young padawan the path to follow.

Me: Relax and let the Force bring calm to your mind.

I could hear him sigh, but I didn't hear him protest. Soon, I could feel him slowly calming down. At least, trying to. Which made me smile with amusement at his attempt to please me. Gradually, he came to calm down, and I could feel him relaxing, in the Force.

Me: Well done, young Skywalker

I could feel him smile at my compliment.

3 years later,

I smiled, facing my opponents. Holding my two weapons in each hand, crossed on the ground, I stared at them with a concentrated look. Anakin and Obi-Wan staring at me with concentration. I was doing this, at Obi-Wan's request, to strengthen his bond with his apprentice. The little Padawan has grown up quite a bit, already towering over me. His short blond hair framed his deep blue eyes. He was imposing, not only in stature but in the aura he gave off. Only his braid still showed his rank as an apprentice. On the other hand, I was surprised by his choice to wear dark clothes, unlike the light ones worn by the Jedis. However, it suited the character of the young Jedi.

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