The Poison Ant

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The Poison Ant Colony always lived in peace; however, a gang of grasshoppers attacked in the middle of the night. The grasshopper leader, Hopper, knew the Poison ant colony was the strongest and devised a plan to kill the future King.

"Remember now; we're after the prince. Kill the other Poison ants. We don't want them to run for help." Hopper ordered his gang of grasshoppers. Hopper takes off with the grasshoppers following close behind him. The grasshoppers flew for two nights without stopping for rest as they headed north.

The night Hopper and his gang arrived, they were too late, for the King and Queen quickly took the prince out of the kingdom. Then, with the prince tucked closely to his mother's chest through the tall blades of grass, King Reed and Queen Lily ran.

"Hurry! We're almost to the border!" King Reed called to his wife. The Queen pulled her son closer to her, his face buried under her neck.

Once they reached the border, the Queen set her son down on his feet. The young prince stared at his father, heart pounding against his chest in fear.

"You must hide your wings and change your skin to grey. An old friend of mine will take care of you, son." The King rested his hand on the young prince's shoulder.


"THEY'RE HERE!" A voice calls out.

Queen Lily took her son's hands in hers, "Celare eos." She whispered as tears slowly fell from her eyes. "Your memories of this day will never be forgotten, my son, but you must also never tell anyone who you are," She pointed out.

"Son," The boy turns to his father, "Solum will protect you. Nunc currunt." The boy turned, facing south, where the Grey Ant Kingdom lies. Solum is waiting for him. "Run, son. Run, Leon, we love you." The Queen whispered to her son. Leon glanced at his parents one last time, then ran. Not knowing he would never see them again.

The King and Queen stood there watching their son disappear into the darkness of the night. The two red ants glanced at each other, knowing that was the last time they would ever see their son, and hoped he would make it to the Grey Ant island kingdom alive.

The King and Queen quickly ran back to the kingdom, hoping to save their people; however, they arrived too late, for many poison ants lay dead on the ground. They spotted Hopper standing on the anthill with hatred flashing in his eyes.

Hopper bolted to the King and grabbed his neck, "You think this is over? Where is the boy?!"

King Reed glared at him, "He will stop you, Hopper." He choked. Hopper tightened his grip on the King's neck. "Your son won't be able to stop me. He is a worthless child! Even if it takes me a hundred years, I will find your son and kill him!"

King Reed felt chills travel down his spine. His throat tightened as he felt fearful for his son. His eyes narrowed, wings twitching as rage burned in his chest.

"HE WILL STOP YOU!" King Reed screamed; his throat felt like it was on fire. All confidence he has now replaced with fear. The world spun in King Reed's eyes as Hopper's blurred in and out of his vision. Spots flew around, darkness following not far behind.

The King spotted the young prince over Hopper's shoulder, hiding behind a blade of grass, watching the scene unfold before himself.

"Goodbye Leon..." He whispered incoherently.

The King's body went limp.

Hopper dropped the King's body and turned his deadly gaze to the Queen; tears spilled from her eyes as she stared at her dead husband. Hopper strode towards the Queen with a smirk on his face. Queen Lily tore her frightened gaze away from her King.

"You think that you will control everything on this land? Let me tell you this Hopper. One day a hero will rise. One day, someone WILL SAY THAT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" Queen Lily shouted, fists clenched by her sides.

Adrenaline, mixed with fear and anger, bursts, causing the Queen to charge at Hopper; however, he quickly dodged the pissed monarch. Queen Lily growled, "You monster! My son will not die at the hands of a dirty, pathetic grasshopper!" She charged at Hopper, only to be avoided by him again.

Hopper glared at her as she threw rocks, kicks, and punches at him. She charged at him again as he avoided her. Quickly, Hopper grabbed the Queen's neck once she tried to punch him. Hopper brought her face close to his, "If you think that your son can stop me, you are wrong." He hissed, "Your son will die once I find him."

The Queen glared at Hopper, but her eyes widened at the feeling of his hands wrapped around her neck. Pain shot through her body as her neck gave out a sickening crack. Queen Lily gasped as she struggled to bring oxygen to her lungs. Her body twitches as Hopper watches her die. Finally, her body goes limp, and Hopper chuckles darkly.

Hopper called out to his gang, "We will find that boy and make him suffer! Search in every kingdom if you must, but I WANT THAT BOY!" Hopper's gang quickly jumped in the air, wings going furiously.

"Let's Ride!"

Hopper and his gang left the kingdom, flying back to their hideout, not acknowledging that a particular little ant watched. Leon slowly moved out of his hiding spot of tall blades of grass to his dead parents. Leon kneeled next to his deceased father as the moon came out behind the clouds. Its light hits the prince, showing tears in his brown eyes.

Leon closed his eyes and remembered what his father told him earlier in the Throne Room, "You will one day be King. A better king than those from our past."

"Why am I both Northern and Southern, Patrem? All of the other kids make fun of me because I'm different."

The King smiled at his son, "Leon, your mother is southern, and I am northern. Long ago, our marriage would have been forbidden. However, your mother proved otherwise. Love can't stop you no matter what others believe. Being both proves that you are unique. You're more powerful than an individual."

Leon stares at his father with curiosity flashing in his eyes, "How can I be a better king than you, Patrem?"

"By proving who you truly are and showing that you can do more than what I can do. You will make this kingdom rise Leon. You will prove to everyone that you are who you are ment to be."

Leon frowns at his father, "Patrem, I thought that in every kingdom, the Queen rules. Why do I have the title to be the next ruler?"

The King laughed, "My son, I received my title when I was your age. Our kingdom is different. For example," The King coughed, "Your cousin Maya, she wasn't born first. Her brother was. Whoever is born first in the Poison ant colonies, receives the crown."

Leon smiled brightly as the King patted his son's head, "Promise me something Leon," The young prince nodded his head to his father, "A king never gives up on his kingdom. A darkness is coming to our home soon. No matter what happens, be brave enough to face this evil. Be strong, even if you have to run, remember that you are never alone. Always make me proud."

Leon opened his eyes and stood back up, eyes furious, hands clenched, and nails dug into his palms.

"I will make you proud, Patrem." He whispered.

Leon faced south and closed his eyes, focusing hard; Leon's poisonous red skin turned grey, his eyes became blue, and his wings retracted to his back. Then, finally, Leon glanced up and began running to the Grey Ant kingdom, to Solum.


Celare eos: Hide them

Solum: Soil

Nunc currunt: Now Run

Patrem: Father

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