I just kept him company for a little bit and I just wished none of this never happened, like pony killing the Socs, the church on fire, ect.

Pony's pov:

A rumble? A rumble and nobody told me!? I mean I get that they wanted to protect me but damn...

Dallas kept on talking and I told him that Tim came by and told me things and I just missing going outside, and going to the movies, and hanging out with the gang.

I was lost in thought until Dallas said something...I never thought he would say something like that in his whole life, like at all.

"Kid, your a hero." Dallas said and I looked at him confused and I just looked at him and I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

And Dallas smiled and knew the nurses will check in soon within me so he left, I feel off today...

Is today the day I die...I am only 14...I don't want to die...I still need to accomplish more in my life than what I have.

Like meet Darry's standards, be as cool as soda and be the best little brother I can be...I guess that failed though...

At the Curtis house hold:

Steve and two-bit tired everything to make them smile...nothing seemed to work...nothing did...

"Hey...I wonder what Dallas and pony, are doing." Johnny said out loud and everyone seemed to stop and looked at me and shrugged there shoulders.

"Dallas probably went to go see the kid, you know how he is towards you and pony." Steve told Johnny and he just smiled brightly.

Soda had this lost in his eyes and just wanting his baby brother to be okay, Darry looked at soda with tears in his eyes and soda ran up to his older brother and hugged him tightly as soda started crying in his chest.

They needed there baby brother to be okay, they had to be, they just couldn't die on them, no they couldn't.

That's when Johnny came up with the idea to tell a story from when the fire took place, and since it was funny he had to say it.

"Oh poor pony, when that little girl bit him in the arm." Johnny said and the gang looked at him confused and that's when soda said something.

"YAY! Another story time!" Soda said happily and rushed over and sat on the couch and Steve sat next to him and Darry sat on the other one and two-bit was on the floor with beer and chocolate cake and Johnny sat down on the couch.

"This takes place when Dallas pulls into the dirt road and we see the church on fire...and pony was the first one out." Johnny said and soda is sitting at the edge of his seat just wait to what happens next.

"Pony was the first one in the building and when him and I looked for the kids to get them out and safe, he tired to pick up one to save her, and she bit in the back of his arm and he looked at me like he wanted to drop her into the fire." Johnny said and Steve and two-bit started dying of laughter.

Darry and soda looked at each other and laughed but it was mostly two-bit and Steve on the floor laughing like manics.

"He had that look on his face and it was priceless, that was the funniest part, seeing him get all mad over a little bite." Johnny said and that made the gang laugh a lot more.

Before the rumble:

The gang was getting ready for the rumble...tonight is the rumble between the greasers the lower middlish class and than the Socs the higher class.

If the Socs win they could be in the greasers territory forever and jumped them more, and if the greasers win the Socs have to leave them alone and not jump them anymore.

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