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the movies.

Evan sat there, wondering if he should FaceTime Sofi. He clicked on the icon, and waited for her to answer.

"Hey," Evan whispered as she picked up. "I have to whisper because my mom will do that thing where she'll take my phone and charge it in her room."

"I just want to say I think it's awesome you're joining the team." He continues and Sofi sighs.

"I know it is. There is just two little problems." She gives him a half smile. "What?"

"I have to tell my parents, and they have to say yes... and also Kat." She trails off. "Well, I have to go night."

She quickly clicks off the FaceTime call leaving Evan there. He really didn't think about  Sofi and Kathleen being on the same team and how that will go. He just hopes that the two of them will learn to cooperate with each other, hopefully.


"Hey Nick!" Evan called to the boy who lacing up his skates right before practice. "Where's Kat?"

"Oh, she uhm didn't come today, didn't feel well." Nick says quickly. Evan knew the real reason though, it was Sofi first day at practice. Evan walked back into the locker room, and got his phone out of his bag. He had never texted Kathleen out of the Don't Bothers group chat, but oh well.


Hey, Nick told me that you felt sick, so if that's the case, I hope you feel better.
If it is for the reason I think it is, don't worry about it. Kat, the team really needs you here.
I need you here.
Please put you and Sofi's fight aside and come for the team.

Kathleen stared at the message from her bed. She wanted to be childish and quit the team, but she decided that this is for the team.

Kathleen got her stuff together, and started to walk to the Ice Palace. She was going to be a bit late, but at least she was coming.


"Hey, are you okay? Cause I kind of told everyone you were amazing." Evan asked Sofi since she just kind of missed the puck. "Just a little tired, I'll pick it up."

"Look Kat's here!" Logan pointed out to the girl who started skating onto the ice. Kathleen glanced over to where Sofi and Evan were talking, but just skated over to where Maya was.

"Thought you 'didn't feel good'?" Maya asked with a smile on her face. Kathleen rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to be childish."

"I'm glad. I was afraid I was going to be alone at the movies since Lauren isn't going." Maya told Kathleen. Maya decided to go to the bathroom, and that's when Logan skated up to Kathleen.

"So, are you going to the movies tonight?" Logan asked her. She shrugged, Nick was going and unless she wanted to walk home, she was probably going to go. "I guess."

"Cool, well uhm wanna sit next to me?" Logan questioned as his face got red. Kathleen looked over at Evan who was talking to Sofi, and then back at Logan. "Sure."

Kathleen was standing off to the side next to Maya as the rest of the boys got their popcorn, and drinks. "We really should've just had a sleepover tonight."

"Agreed." Kathleen says as she looks around at the boys who are loading up on food. "Save me a seat, I'm going to the bathroom."

Kathleen trailed behind the boys as she looked at her ticket. 23

The theater was packed that night, so the usher escorted them to their correct seats, and they couldn't switch around. Logan was upset because he was 25  meaning he couldn't sit next to Kathleen.

Evan sat down in seat 22 which was right next to Nick's seat, and of course, Kathleen's. She sat down in her seat. Luckily, Maya was sitting next to Kathleen.

"Hey," Evan whispered over to Kathleen. "We can share a popcorn, if you want. I got mine a size too big."

"Thanks." Kathleen smiled at him as she reached into his popcorn bucket. The movie went on, and Kathleen and Evan were too intrigued into the movie that they both reached into the popcorn bucket at the same time. Their hands touched each other's, and they both quickly pulled back.

"Shit. I'm sorry." Kathleen quickly whispered to him. He was red in the face, and he quickly apologized back. "No, Im sorry, I should've looked."

The two of them looked away as their hands rested on the same arm rest. The two of them didn't know it, but for the rest of the movie they couldn't keep their mind off each other. Kathleen mind was racing with 'Evan. Evan. Look over at Evan. Evan. Evan.'

She didn't even know what happened for the rest of the movie since she couldn't pay attention. The movie finally ended, and everyone was talking about how good the movie was, but Evan nor Kathleen could participate in the conversation.

"Hey Kat?" Kathleen turned around to see Evan. Kathleen looked back at the group who kept walking.
"I'm sorry about what happened if that's what you wanna talk about, I know you and Sofi have something going on-."

"What?" Evan questioned her when she started on about him and Sofi. "Aren't you and Sofi a thing?"

Evan didn't speak, he just gently cupped Kathleen's face. Her heart was racing, and just like that his lips were on hers. She didn't even believe what was happening. Why was Evan Morrow kissing her. He pulled away, red in the face.

"Does that answer your question?" Kathleen was stunned, but nodded. "Good. See you tomorrow Kat."

As Evan walked away he couldn't believe what he had done. He had kissed his crush. He had never realized it until now, but the whole time he had liked Kathleen, he just didn't know how to express it. Then it hit him, how he started to feel shitty about how he treated her in the past years.

"Hey Evan, where's Kat?" Evan's train of thought stopped as he was met with a not-so-happy Logan. "Bathroom, I think, I don't know."

"Cool, well I'm just going to wait for her here. Have a good night Evan." He wondered if Logan saw them. He just brushed it off, and got into his mom's car.

"Kat!" Logan called out as she walked out of the bathroom. Nick was also there waiting for her.
"Hey Logan." Logan was riding home with Nick and her tonight.

The three of them started to walk out of the movie theater when Kathleen noticed the numb expression on Logan's face. "Logan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Kat." He harshly spat. She decided to not speak to him for the rest of the night. She sat on her bed that night wondering why the hell Evan kissed her and why the hell Logan was mad.

happier ~ evan morrowWhere stories live. Discover now