Sibling bonds

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                          Selevers p.o.v:  I walked into  Rasazy's room "Hey bitch!" I said,she looked pissed,I laughed "What?" I asked "You know you could knock right?" She answered 

                         Rasazy's p.o.v: I rolled my eyes and  teleported my book back to it's shelf. "You should smile more Rasazy~" I smiled like my father. "Jeez" he said.

                           Selevers p.o.v: I walked at the room "mom!" I said. She looked over at me "Yes sweetheart?" "Rasazy doesn't wanna spend time with me anymore.." She looked confused "You two never did spend a lot of time together." I guess that was back in the void "If you really want to spend time with her I guess you should do sibling bonding time,like getting ice cream or something." 

                               lol mom looked like napoleon ice cream 

                Rasazy's p.o.v: Mama called me into the main worship room. "I want to send you and Selever to the store to buy something for yourselves." I looked at her and nodded. She pulled out one 100 dollar bill "First can you go to the bank and split it 50 50 with you're brother?" She asked. I nodded and called Selever outside.

               Selevers p.o.v: I looked over at her as we walked "You remember how close we used to be in the void?" I said "Yeah" she answered back.  We walked into the bank,handed them the 100 and they gave us two 50's Rasazy handed me one. "Sweet!" 

                  Rasazy's p.o.v: We walked into the mall,we looked around for a good 5 minutes before I saw something I wanted. "Selever wait!" I said,we ran into the store,the store was full of animals,some even only costed 20 bucks! "Selever! Look a dog!" He looked at it "We gotta buy this."

              Selevers p.o.v: After we found the dog Rasazy wanted I bought the most dangerous snake in the world,a saw-scaled viper. "Selever why would you buy a leash for that thing?" "It won't hurt nobody no how" I said,not even 15 seconds later we got kicked out of the mall because it bit someone,I'll name my snake toothless!

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