Rasazy's summoning lessons

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                               Sarvs's p.o.v: I saw Rasazy trying to summon her pencil,the book she was an older one,modern magic isn't the same as it was 2,000 years ago,oh how the times have changed. "Rasazy,would you like help,dear?"  She nodded 

                              Rasazy's p.o.v: I nodded at my mother and she walked over to me,"First get rid of this book,I was 12 when it came out,that was.....2,678 years ago." I was surprised "You and papa are old" "Hey watch it Rasazy" she said slightly annoyed. I threw the book in  the trash can next to me. Mama summoned the newest version tilted "summoning for demons." 

               Sarv's p.o.v: "Now turn to page 234" I said. She turned to the page and  I pointed a the section "First think of the item you want!" She closed her eyes and I assume she began to think. "Then you say malum sit uobiscum et cum spiritu."  

               Rasazys p.o.v: I said the chant All of a sudden a purple light began to glow and my pencil fell on my table. Wow "Thanks mama!" I said "You're welcome sweet heart!" She said just before walking off

Little demons|Selever and Rasazy|Sarv x RuvKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat