I caught you in 4k Selever

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                           Selevers p.o.v: I was scrolling through my phone and saw a text message appear,it was a link to a smut video.The number was unknown and at the time I was like "well like- what if its dad?" but dad would get his ass beat if mom saw that so probably not.

                        Ruv's p.o.v: I sent him the link. Not even seconds later I got text back (Ruv is Russian and stuff so tryna make it sound accurate!). Selever read message I sent. 

                            Selevers p.o.v: I clicked the link and began to watch "lol my dad would beat my ass" I said to myself. I heard a camera go off,it was Rasazy in my shelf. "I got you~" She said "It's I caught you in 4k idiot!" She shrugged and ran to dads room. I began to chase her "Come back here you piece of shit!" 

                          Ruv's p.o.v: I saw Rasazy run into my room "I got the video you wanted papa!" She said I again tried to smile but the efforts hurt. I saw  what he did and began to laugh-

                       Selevers p.o.v: It was to late,he was laughing with this blank ass face "H-hey old man" I said. He look at me and took his belt off "d-daddy chill~!" I yelled (I swear this isn't a ship) His eyes widened "What the fuck!" He said as I laughed and ran away. He began to run after me 

                                              -congrats you reached the unsatisfying ending wait for me to make more chapters- :D

(no this isnt done i mean I guess this could just be a forever project)            

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