Chapter 35

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"Hi, Jeongyeon. Nayeon." Seulgi smiled. "I'm actually buying some materials too, and oh! There she is, guys. This is my fiancé, Irene."

The three girls looked at the direction Seulgi pointed in unison. All of them slightly widened their eyes seeing Seulgi's fiancé.

"Hon, this is Chaeyoung and her friends, Nayeon and Jeongyeon." Seulgi said pointing the girls consecutively.

"Hello. I'm Irene." The woman smiled elegantly, she then looked at Chaeyoung, "Is she giving you a hard time?"

"No unnie. She's good at her work." Chaeyoung shook her head. "She's really helping me."

With that, Seulgi smiled proudly at her fiancé, making Irene roll her eyes. "Shh. Next time don't let her hear that, even how good she is. She would be too proud." she laughed, teasing Seulgi.

"Yah!" Seulgi pouted. She then look at girls who have the same teasing face as Irene. "Anyways, we'll let you guys off the hook. I'm sure you have other plans to do."

"Y-yeah. We'll head off now unnie." Chaeyoung said, waving her hand. "Nice meeting you Irene unnie."

"Same, Chaeyoung." Irene smiled, "You girls take care."

"Yah! Nabong! Stop looking at Seulgi." Jeongyeon scolded as soon as they left the bookstore. "Ypu keep on checking her out."

"W-what?" Nayeon laughed. "I did not check her out, Yoo Kyungwan!"

"Don't call me that." Jeongyeon pouted. "You did. I saw you. She's obviously your type."

"No she's not! Oh my God!" Nayeon protested, "She's not my type."

"Hmm." Chaeyoung hummed to interrupt, "Actually Nayeon, unnie is right. Seulgi unnie is your type."

"I don't have a type!"

"You do." Jeongyeon said quietly. "Right, Chaeng?"

"Yeah." Chaeyoung answered. She then stopped and looked at Jeongyeon, "And you're obviously jealous, unnie."

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are." Nayeon added.

"I'm not jealous." Jeongyeon said firmly.

"You don't have to be jealous, I'm only looking at her because she have the same style as you." Nayeon said, intertwining their fingers. "You're the only one in my heart, Jeongie so stop sulking!"

"You mean that?" Jeongyeon asked looming down on her wife only to see Nayeon smiling so wide.

"Pabo! I won't be your wife now if I didn't mean that." Nayeon sassed, pulling Chaeyoung closer to her using her free hand. "Let's go Chaeng."

Chaeyoung nodded before leaving Jeongyeon one last laugh. It always amaze her how Jeongyeon looks so tough on the outside, but very soft and sensitive in the inside most especially to Nayeon. These two really just fit each other.

After over an hour of eating at the Chinese restaurant Jeongyeon requested, the three girls decided to go home.

"Nayeon, tell me what do you imagined your café would look." Chaeyoung said as soon as they set their feet out of the restaurant. "I'll start to work on it later."

"Oh? You'll start it right away?" Nayeon asked surprised, she wants to finiah it as soon as possible but she don't want Chaeyoung to be all worked up. "Hmm how about this, why don't you sleep in our house for tonight so we can talk about it? I mean ypu can work there."

Jeongyeon didn't let Chaeyoung think and added, "Right! You haven't been in our new house anyways. Dahyun, Momo and Jihyo stay with us."

"Come on, Chaeng." Nayeon pouted, "I'm sure Mina wouldn't mind."

"I wouldn't mind what?" Mina suddenly appeared, making Nayeon jumped on her spot.

Chaeyoung just look at Mina, and her gaze trailed over the girl's shoulder and saw Lisa walking out of the mall. I thought they'd meet at a café near the hospital? She asked herself but shrug the thought away nonetheless.

"Is your date done?" Jeongyeon asked, and on cue, Chaeypung immediately look away and avert her eyes on anything but Mina.

"Shut up, Jeong." Mina chuckled. "So.. What are you guys talking about? I suppose it concerns me?"

"Oh. Well not really." Nayeon replied, "Chaengie volunteered to design our café. And I told her to stay at our house. Just for tonight so we can talk about it"

"Oh." Is what only left Mina's mouth. This shouldn't be a big deal. She then looked at Chaeyoung expecting the shorter girl to say a word. "If Chaeng wants it, why not?"

"I guess I'll be staying at your house tonight then." Chaeyoung smiled at Nayeon. And only if she didn't, she would see how for a milisecond, Mina's face twitched by her response.

If only Chaeyoung saw Mina..

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