The two stared at each other for what felt like hours until Miyo remove her eyes from Tsunade, switching her gaze to the silent four jonin at the side of the room. "If I can't go, then why are they just standing there doing nothing?! Why aren't they going after him?!" she blurted while pointing at them with a furious glare.

"We have a team out on the search for Sasuke right now!" Tsunade says as she slowly lowers her head, "And there is no need to risk the potential loss of more Hidden Leaf Shinobi." she finished in a much softer tone.

Miyo nearly froze at those words, anger slowly starting to vanish within her, "Potential loss of more...? D-Did someone die?"

Tsunade took a deep breathe, slowly sitting back down in her chair, "No... although just under an hour ago, both Choji Akimichi and Neji Hyuga from Shimarku's chosen team for Sasuke's retrieval were both found critically wounded. Both of them are in the hospital getting treated as we speak."

"Wait a second, I don't think I heard you correctly." Miyo said between chuckles of disbelief, "But did you happen to say you sent Genin after my brother?!" she asked in a raised voice, anger beginning to rise through her body once more.

Silence was the only response.

"Tell me who else you sent after him!" she demanded, "Now!"

Instead of Tsunade answering, the raspy voice behind her spoke for the Hokage, "Kiba Inuzuka, Shikamaru Nara, and Naruto Uzumaki."

At this point she could no longer hold back any of the negative emotions locked within her heart, "You... You idiot!" she shouted through clenched teeth, each of the Jonin's eyes widening at the sudden disrespect towards the 5th.

"How could you be so reckless to send a group of five genin after Sasuke?! How incompetent can you be?!" Miyo shouted, her closed fists now shaking near uncontrollably.

Tsunade had already realized that getting into another shouting match wasn't gonna solve anything, so she attempted to talk in a much calmer voice to explain her reasoning, "Yes. That does sound foolish when said out loud, but we had no other shinobi available, those five were the only ones who were on standby."

"There's hundreds of shinobi in this village, and you're telling me just five genin were available?! That's bullshit and you know it!" Miyo yelled while pointing an accusing finger at Tsunade.

Danzo's usual blank face grew contorted into one of anger, having heard enough of such disrespect, "Do not use such tongue when addressing the Hokage! You-!"

"Shut. Your. Mouth. Old man." she said in cold tone, turning her head around to send him an equally bone chilling glare.

The tension in the room was so thick that even a knife could cut through it.

Miyo took a deep, trying her absolute hardest to get her anger back under control, "I've had enough conversing with any of you, now if you'll excuse me I will be leaving to find my brother." she finishes while turning her back from the Hokage, on her way to the exit.

A sudden hand snatched her wrist as she was about to grab the handle of the door, halting the action. She turned her head to face the disapproved look of Danzo staring down at her.

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