The Dream

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A/N: Sorry for not updating i completely forgot about this tbh lmaooo

......."mom? WAIT MOM? this isn't happening right now"
"hi honey! i've missed you"
"pinch me. i don't believe this"
dreams mom reached over to dream and pinched him. nothing.
"oh. i don't feel anything"
"no mom i thought you were really back. but you're still gone. it's been almost a year since you've been gone and-
"i need to tell you the truth."
"what truth mom?"
"about my death"
"wait what? you died of cancer? what do you mean truth"
"the truth is-"
suddenly dream woke up and thought to himself. "i've never dreamt about my mom since before her death, end what did she mean *air quotes* the truth."
none of it made sense so dream tried to fall back asleep in an attempt to finish that odd nightmare.

Dream still couldn't fall asleep, he was too scared that he would see his mother and she would be mad at him for many reasons.

it was getting even worse again.


Dream was still lying in his bed just laying there while thoughts flooded his brain.


dream had to go out anyways later that day to go do groceries so her just decided to do them now, since he couldn't fall back asleep anyways.

Dream got up and fed patches then went to eat breakfast. he looked in his cupboards. "Cereal? no. Pancakes? no. Pop tarts? no"
Dream didn't have an appetite either.

Dream went to the bathroom to bruh his teeth and watch Tv for a bit since the stores didn't open till 9.


Dream left the house to go to groceries and once he got in the store EVERYTHING reminded him of his mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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