Animalia Fanfic Idea

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This is my fanfic idea for the Australian CGI cartoon series Animalia.

In this idea for an Animalia story, Alex and Zoe (the show's 12-year-old human protagonists who go to a library and end up going into the titular world of sentient animals), after defeating the evil long-tailed weasel known as the Creeper, were stuck in Animalia for the next 20 years, and they became adults, in ripped and rugged clothing, but they eventually find a portal back into the human world where only 20 days have passed (a year in Animalia, in this story, marks just a single day in the human world) and they suddenly find themselves back in their 12-year-old kid bodies, physically only 20 days older than their arrival in Animalia, with their original clothing back on their bodies and restored to good condition. What could Alex and Zoe be thinking right after changing back, and what could some long term consequences for them be?

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