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On a wasted land across the sea from my hometown, miles away there was life that could be seen for miles beyond end. That life was rare, it was the last of its kind; for the others had been butchered and cut down for its voice and power. But this life somehow was able to remain all this time, not meeting the blades and corruption that so badly wanted to consume it. The reason simply being... The waters surrounding the life guarded it with all its power, engulfing anyone into its dark abyss below. For any person who was corrupt at heart and foolish enough to sail in that lake, perished. However, I wanted to see this life, not to take it away for my own selfish reasons or pitiful basic human desires that seem to plague the heart of almost every man. I want to see this life because it's calling me! It sounds mad but every time I rest my eyes for even a second I hear a strange voice telling me to venture off into that blackened lake filled with the blood of both beast and man, and stand before the life that everyone seeks.

After, sometime I journeyed to the island and somehow made it across those waters. I couldn't possibly believe it, I have found the land that my parents spent their whole life trying to get to. The land of light; my mother used to call this oasis the hidden heaven on earth, while my father disagreed and said it was clearly God's final resting place. Both of them were foolishly wrong, this place is something far greater than any heaven or paradise. This ancient land is the home of the all knowing tree, The Garden Of Eden. This land intertwined with fine pieces of indigo stained silk and gold at its core, making the soil twinkle under the moonlight.

I've decided I will make this my home and leave everything behind, for it is my duty to explore this land's wonders, unlock its secrets, and expose them to the world.  

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