Going to my new home

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So after I was completed and the tests were done they to told me they are gonna ship to the France,looks like I'm going back there...again, anyways I was enjoying my stay in the workshop but nothing can last forever except well...engines,I heard rumours while I was on the ship but then I saw something I told some of the crew and they to told me it was sealand the rumours says a random dude made his own country,can't blame him,anyways after  a few weeks had past,like uhh 3 I think?so once they unloaded me they had to give the basics of the French language,I think 'batard' mean 'bastard' hehe of course they also teached me the insults as I arrived to my new home I think it's called 'Réseau des Bains de Mer' yeah that's the name anyways I was the only 'alive' engine and it means that I'll be lonely that is sad but hey you can't everything in life right?

To be continued

(I'm not gonna be uploading alot so yeah see ya guys on the next chapter)

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