Joyeux Noël !

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Well the has come again that fucking holiday...I hate it much...and you already know why but last time I didn't tell guys know Proteus?yeah the poor fella...I know what happened to him...and to Albert but Albert's story is for next the year is 1894 I was assigned a job I think it was pulling a goods train? anyways my driver was drunk as alway,he was trying some new shit that's for sure,we were scheduled to go to the coal mine where Proteus was working at the time,he was working there temporately cuz we didn't have a permanent engine at the time,he was a prototype so he had some fucking huge problems,first off his max speed was suppose to be 60mph but it ended up being 30mph,secondly he rocked almost as hard as me and my pal Stanley,third his whole body was poorly made almost as bad as mine, fourth the poor dude wasn't even able to handle four slate trucks...and finally he was a poor steamer,as we were using explosives, you can guess what happened...we were shunting trucks just like usual,as I pushed a truck full dynamite I think one of my sparks light one of the sticks,I didn't notice,so I shunted the truck next to Proteus and left,but I heard something in the distance...out loud 'BOOM' was heard...and I knew what I had done and so did my driver, but he was tok drunk to care,and that's why the mine closed down,this incident, safety issues too,sure it was nearing it's end and was almost dried up but,it was mostly due to safety reasons and well..the death of a prototype engine that we didn't really own,so that put us into some pretty big debt,our owner couldn't really afford using all of us so...he turned Stanley into water pump,poor guy,and soon after I crashed into some slate trucs due to my break not being mended,I was also turned into something else,a steam generator,Urgh,god I hate how they did some barbarcally?I dunno the word but they some shabby work

(Yeah so that was the last chapter that I never uploaded and decided to upload it finally cuz i forgot it was there so yeah,enjoy I guess)

my story's aftermathUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum