•3• Vacation Tea

Start from the beginning

"Nah, nigga. Where ya think ya going?" I asked.

"To go check on my fiancé." Smoke said.

"You ain't going no fucking where. Yo, you fucked my wife? I'm only gon ask you once."

"I ain't mean to. It was a mistake." Smoke said.

"So, that's a yes? Bet, my nigga." I said, tackling Smoke.

We landed on the ground with me on top of him. I threw blow after blow to his face making Karen scream.

"Oh my God, stop it! Dave you're gonna kill him! Someone help!"

J Drew and Jay ran back into the kitchen and pulled me off of him.

"Yo, nigga what the fuck bruh?" J Drew said.

"He fucked my wife! I trusted this nigga around my family and he do some foul shit like that?! I should kill dat motherfucka!" I yelled, trying to get back at him.

Jay held me back as J Drew helped Smoke get up off the ground.

"Bruh, I ain't mean to do it. I don't even remember the shit happening! I was fucked up!" Smoke yelled, spitting blood out his mouth.

"I don't wanna hear dat fuck shit! The point is dat you did it bruh, you did it! You was my homie. I considered you my brother and you go and do that. You foul bruh I don't give a fuck what you say!"

Karen cried as she looked at me.

"Calm down nigga." Jay said, holding me by my shirt.

"I'm calm. I'm fine bruh. Let me go." I said.

Jay slowly released me letting me pull my shirt down. Smoke wiped the blood that poured from his mouth as he looked at me.

"Bruh, what can I do to make this right?"

"You can't do shit bruh. I thought that I could trust you, but I see now that blood really ain't thicker than water. We ain't boys. We ain't nothing. Karen, I'll deal witchu later bruh. Mane, I can't do this shit right now."

"Baby, please? Can you just let me explain, please?" Karen begged.

"I ain't got nun to say to you right now bruh. I need some air."

With those words I turned around and stormed out the cabin. Walking outside in the dark, I went to the lake that was outside and sat there. I needed to clear my head. I was hurt no doubt. I couldn't believe my best friend and my wife would do that to me behind my back. I get that I was gone, for sixteen years, but everything I did I did fah her and my family. So, fah dem to do that was foul as fuck.

I sniffled as I wiped the tears that filled the brims of my eyes. I felt worst for Doe cause she was innocent in all dis shit. She was blindsided and had no idea dis was coming. Not only dat but she was pregnant so dat added on stress to her life. Dis wasn't fair. I needed to go see where her head was in all dis shit.

Getting up, I wiped my tears before going back inside the cabin the back way. I went on the second floor where her room was and knocked on ha door. Waiting for her to open her door, I leaned against it and heard her crying on the inside.

"Yo, Doe. Open up, it's Dave."

"H-Hold on for a minute." Dorinda sniffled.

I stood there for a moment before she opened the door. Coming face to face with her, I saw dat her eyes were bloodshot red. Her face was so sad it broke my heart.

"Doe...." I trailed.

She shook her head before going back in the room. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I sat on the bed beside her as she put her face in her hands and cried.

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