Oh God, What Have I Done?!

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Raph woke up in the most uncomfortable position in his entire life. Add a hangover to that, and yeah, you get the picture. Just as he was about to try to get up, he realized that he was hog tied.

"Ok, just what the hell is goin' on!!!" He hollered beginning to let his ever famous temper show.

"My son, while it is nice to see you finally awake, do not use such language in my house!" Splinter replied while slightly whipping him on his shell with his tail.

"I'm sorry sensei, but what's going on? Why am i tied? What happened last night?"

Splinter quickly filled him in. By the time he was finished, Raph was beyond horrified. What has he done to you?!

"Sensei, please, i need to see her. Please untie me!" Raph begged.

Splinter thought about it, and eventually let him loose. Just as Raph was about to charge out of the door, Splinter stopped him. "My son!" He barked.

Raph froze on a dime. "Yeah sensei?" He questioned.

"Don't think that you will get away with this without consequence." He said.

Raph gulped. "Yes sensei." He replied respectfully.

At Splinter's nod, Raph leaped out the door making a bee line for your bedroom. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see all 3 of his other brothers stand and tense up ready to defend you from him again. That about broke him. As he skidded to a stop infront of your door, his hands began to tremble.

"Y/N? Please, I know what i did was wrong and no amount of apologizing can take that back, but please, please believe me when I say i never really wanted to hurt you. You are the last person on this planet that i would ever want to hurt." Raph pleaded, voice beginning to crack half way through.

He waited a few minutes at the door, not daring to open it for fear of breaking the transparently thin ice he was standing on. Little did he know, the ice wasn't what he had to worry about breaking. His heart and his relationship with you on the other hand? Thats an entirely different story. Just as he was about to admit defeat and accept the punishment that Splinter no doubt already had waiting for him, he heard the door ever so slowly creak open he filled with hope at seeing you, but the one look he took at seeing your face, and all of his hope along with his heart was shattered in to too many pieces to ever be put back together.

"Raph." You began quietly. "You want me to forgive you. You want me to take you back. You want me to act like what you did, didn't happen. I can't do that. I'm sorry that I'm too much of a whore for you. But hear me out when i say, i wasn't cheating on you. I told you i couldn't make it because i wanted to surprise you with the new dress that i got just for you. I wanted to surprise you with it so that we could spend some time together. I thought you would like it. Oh, how wrong i was. How naive i was. Curse me for thinking that you wouldn't fly off the handle at me showing up in a new dress. Yes. That's all on me. But trust me when i say, your new girlfriend better watch herself when shes around you. I won't be coming back here. Good bye Raphael. Its not been a pleasure knowing you."

As you walked to the exit, you passed the boys and Splinter. Mikey was trying so hard not to cry, Donnie looked like he was trying to convince you to come back, more than Raph was, Leo looked so sad/sorry for you, and Splinter? He looked like he just lost his daughter. You stopped at Mikey and gave him the biggest hug you could in your broken state.

"Stay safe Angel Cakes. I'm gonna miss you." He cried.

"Y/N, if- that is to say- what i mean is- (sigh), take care of yourself out there. And if you ever need us, please, don't hesitate to call. I'm really gonna miss you." Donnie stated quietly while looking away from you. You placed your hand on top of his and gave him a small smile that said everything.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. This never should have happened. Like Donnie said, stay safe out there and don't ever hesitate to call if you ever need us." Leo told you as he pulled you into as warm and as tight an embrace as he could without hurting you, while still getting the message across.

"Y/N. My dear Y/N. I'm so sorry for my son's actions towards you. But please. I beg of you, please dont tell anyone about us. We've lost so much already. Please. My child, don't betray us in your time of utter darkness." Splinter said.

You place both of you hands in his. "Sensei, i want you to know that i will never intentionally hurt this family. You guys deserve the world with all that you have done for it. You shouldn't have to hide in the shadows in fear that someone may discover you and turn you into lab specimens. Sensei, you don't have to worry. I won't betray the trust you and your family put in me. Believe me when i say that. You are safe with me." You reassure him. Splinter let a few tears fall as he pulled you into a gentle and delicate embrace.

Once you let go you went to the entrance and looked back. You gave all 3 brothers a final smile and a small wave. When you turned your gaze to Raph, your smile fell with your hand. "I hope you've learned from your mistake Raphael Hamato.

With that, you quietly slipped into the sewers. Behind you, you could hear Raph roaring in agony. You looked straight ahead with a neutral expression on your face as you stepped out into the bright sunlight of the morning.

I'm not dead!! 😁 Raph really messed up this time huh? Don't worry. These two won't stay like this, but this is about as far as my dream got with this. Wolfpupgir out!

*DISCONTINUED* TMNT 2014-2016 Boyfriend Scenarios: Raphael Where stories live. Discover now