After his family holiday he wanted to take Alyssa away for a week.  Just the two of them.   The break away would do them good.   He just had to get her to agree to giving them a chance. 

"Seb!" Sienna called, beckoning him over.  He reluctantly joined her and Natalia.  "I was just telling Natalia about Greece. The girls are really looking forward to it." Seb nodded. He stood there whilst Sienna and Natalia chatted away, his eye constantly on the door, watching in case  Alyssa returned.

After several minutes he moved across the room to talk to Joel and Albert. It was a lot more interesting than listening to Sienna and Natalia.


Alyssa stayed with Naomi for as long as she could. She was much happier hanging out with her than she was downstairs. Naomi showed her the fairy castle, and then they'd curled up on Naomi's bed talking about Narnia. Before she knew it an hour had passed. She knew she should go down. She couldn't hide away forever.

She told Naomi that she had to go down and started heading to the stairs. As she reached the bottom she glanced into the lounge. Seb was chatting away to Albert, her Grandad's neighbour. He was gesturing with his hands and had a broad smile on his face. She smiled. She had missed him so much. She decided to head to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Seb had been right about the alcohol. It would have been a bad idea. 

As she reached the kitchen door she heard two voices inside. Sienna and Natalia.

"So you really think your sister fancies Seb?"

"Yeah, she makes it pathetically obvious. The way she looks at him, the way she was only too eager to ride back here with him. I get it, he saved her from her shitty life, and she always did hero worship him."

"You have nothing to worry about Sienna. I mean, look at you. You're a beautiful blonde goddess. And look at her...short, plain. As if Seb would ever look twice at her when he could have you."

Alyssa froze. She knew she should walk away but she had to hear what else her sister said about her.

"Alyssa isn't plain Natalia," Sienna said. "She's beautiful, but she could never handle a man like Seb. His sex drive is....well, more than she could cope with. And he likes it rough too. Not to mention, he still has feelings for me. I know he does. He could never see Alyssa in that way. She's deluded if she thinks she stands a chance. In Greece I'm hoping Seb and I can talk and agree to give things another try."

"You really need to do something about your sister though. I mean, why does she even live with him?"

"Oh she's had a rough time, and  Seb is just so softhearted. He took pity on her. Did you see his shirt? That was makeup on it. She obviously turned on the waterworks to get sympathy from him."

Alyssa couldn't take it anymore. Feeling her anger bubbling up inside her, she stepped into the kitchen.

"So you're the only one who can be upset about Grandad? Yes, I cried on Seb, and if it makes you feel better to be a bitch about it, then carry on. I'm done here. Oh and as for you and Seb getting back together, you couldn't keep a hold on him before, what makes you think you can now? You never used to be such a bitch. What the hell has happened to you Sienna?"

Sienna's face was a picture. She hadn't been expecting Alyssa to speak to her like that.

"Alyssa, you're emotional. You don't mean these things," she spluttered.

"Too damn right I'm emotional. I didn't expect to hear my own sister trash talking me with this stuck up cow."

"Excuse me," Natalia butted in. "Don't talk to Sienna like that."

All of Me (Sebastian Vettel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя