5. serving food

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it was now friday meaning that you had to go back to the café and work a shift

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it was now friday meaning that you had to go back to the café and work a shift. on thursday you didnt really do anything, all you did was just lay around in bed, go on your phone, and get a couple of your homework assignments done.

you woke up from one of your alarms and got up from your bed. the weather was nice outside, sun shining and the wind blowing a little. you went to use the bathroom then brushed your teeth and splashed some water on your face. once you were done using the bathroom you went back into your room and started to change into some other clothes. when you were done you walked to your kitchen and made some scrambled eggs with pancakes on the side. after you ate the scrambled eggs and pancakes, you headed back to your room and grabbed your bag and hair tie and left the house.

you then walked to the café, conveniently it was very close to where you lived. after you walked for some time you arrived at the café and entered the building. you managed to get there on time and headed to the back to put on one of the aprons and then waited at the counter for any customers to walk in and order things.

the door opened and you looked at who entered, it was the new part timer. he walked in and headed to where you were and also put on one of the aprons. after he put it on, he stood next to you awkwardly not knowing what to do. you looked over at him for a couple seconds and spoke, "the manager wants you to like hand out orders to customers today." he looked at you with a confused expression before replying, "why? i'm still getting used to using the cash register."

"i dont know, ask her. she's so unreasonable sometimes." you stated. xiao started to look around frantically before speaking, "what if she heard you saying that??? don't you get in more trouble??" he asked, clearly confused.

"i mean i would be but she already knows i don't like her and it's not like she likes me either," you replied. "how did you not get fired yet then?" he questioned.
"no clue, maybe they're just short on workers." you mentioned. "mm.. yeah probably" he agreed.

"wow are you saying that i should be fired??" you asked him. "no, im just saying that if you have a bad relationship with the manager then it's just surprising that she didn't fire you yet." he explained. you raised an eyebrow as you looked at him. "im being serious, i don't mean anything offensive." he clarified.

you replied back with an "okay" and then showed xiao what he would have to do when serving customers and giving them their orders. he seemed to understand what to do when you explained it and he also asked some questions to make sure that he understood what was said. it seemed like he would be better at serving customers then using the cash register that he was trying to get used to using last time you both had a shift together.

you proceeded to explain just the general basic things that would be done when giving out orders and serving customers and he nodded to show that he was listening everytime you said something. eventually a customer entered and you got their order and made the drink that they requested. they then sat down at a table. once you were done making the drink you handed it to xiao and just pointed over to where the customer was sitting. he slowly walked off and made sure to be extra careful and not spill the drink in any way.

he eventually got to the table that the customer was seated at and handed them their drink. "enjoy the drink." he said with an almost monotone voice. the customer looked at him and smiled before thanking him, xiao then walked back to the counter and just sighed.

"not bad! you should try to be a little more like happy though, you know? you sound a little dead or something." you said. "oh okay, i'll try to do that next time then." he replied. "haha, okay good." you smiled.

more time passed and eventually more customers came in as well, xiao was serving and giving everyone their orders as fast as he could either without spilling it or dropping it on the ground. he wasn't too bad at serving customers, the only thing was that he was extremely slow trying not to drop or spill anything and whenever he told the customers to enjoy their order he looked a little scary.

after he finished serving the last customer he walked back to the counter again, waiting to hear your comment based on how well he did serving the customers.

"uhm xiao.. i don't really think serving customers is your thing." you stated. "really?? i tried really hard to not spill or drop anything though." he mentioned. "yeah and that's good but, you look scary when saying the enjoy your drink or meal part." you replied. "oh. i tried to smile at the customers though.." he frowned.

"uhhh you know what it's okay, you'll find something that you're good at here! im sure of it." you said trying to reassure him. "mhm.. i'd hope so." he stated.

when your shift ended you took off the apron and hung it on a hook that was attached to one of the doors, grabbed your bag, and began to walk towards the door to leave when your manager shouted from the back. "y/n!! on your next shift i'm gonna have you and xiao close the café, okay?!?" you turned your head for a second before replying, "okay!!"

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