3. the new employee

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you woke up from your bed and laid there, staring at the ceiling before you lazily got up to change into some other clothes

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you woke up from your bed and laid there, staring at the ceiling before you lazily got up to change into some other clothes. working was never fun in your opinion, you were dreading at the thought of even going there. that manager of yours really just had some type of hatred towards you whether you did something bad or not and it made you hate going there to work.

after you checked yourself in the mirror one more time, you headed to your kitchen and grabbed a snack to eat on your break time, your phone, and your bag that had some items in it. you then went out the door and walked over to your car. you opened the door and sat down for a bit before you drove to your work place.

the place you worked at was a café, it was usually calm and relaxing. it sounded like a dream to work there at first until you met your manager, you really hated your manager.

eventually you arrived at the café and parked your car. you headed out of the car with your phone, snack, and bag. you took a deep breath before you entered the café. when you walked in you headed over towards the back and put on an apron. when you came back out to start your shift, you saw that surprisingly there were no customers in or coming into the café. you enjoyed the peace and quiet and just looked at some plants in the café, even watering a couple of them.

and your great moment of silence was soon ended by a guy. he looked nice, black hair with some green parts dyed, pretty yellowish amber eyes, maybe kinda attractive

he seemed confused though and just awkwardly stood at a certain spot and looked around the place as if he was looking for somebody. you didnt pay any mind to him at first but it then came to your mind that according to hu tao and ganyu, that terrible manager lady was going to make you teach and help a new part timer on everything works and maybe, just maybe this new part timer was the guy that was just awkwardly looking around??

you thought about it for a few seconds until you decided that asking him about it wouldnt be do anything bad. "hey, are you like looking for someone?" you asked. "yeah i am. i was supposed to start working here today as a part timer but i can't find the lady that interviewed me and told me all of the information about this job." he explained.

"oh uh you can like come back over here i guess and i can get my manager for you if you need." you offered. "that'd be nice." he responded. you headed further back into the building and looked around for your manager. when you found her you told her about the new part timer and she rushed over to greet him.

after she explained everything to him she just left you and him together. as said by hu tao and ganyu, you really had to help and teach the new guy everything.

you looked over at the new guy again and decided that it would be best if you properly introduced yourself to him. "uhm hi nice meeting you! like our manager said, i'll be helping you and answering any questions that you might have." you said while smiling.

you could have sworn that he said something but his voice was just so quiet that you could not actually hear what he said.

"uhhh you got your uniform right? the apron thing." you asked. "yeah" he bluntly replied before showing you the apron he got from the manager. "yeah you can just put that on for now. i'll briefly go over what to do and then you can ask me anything if you have questions about it." you explained. he responded by nodding his head.

the new guy was kind of quiet, like really quiet, and kind of shy??? he seemed kind of familiar in a way but you didnt really understand why he seemed familiar.

you walked over to a cash regsister and asked him if he had used one before. he shook his head in reponse.

"alright, then ill just be showing you how to use it and all" you stated. "okay" he replied.


the new employee was just playing around with the cash register and practicing how to work it. you were just watching him open and close the register before a thought came into your mind. "by the way, what's your name?" you asked. he gave you a side glance before replying, "xiao"

"okay, now you're supposed to ask me what my name is" you continued. he looked at you and frowned slightly, "and why should i ask that?"

"because we'll be working with each other! working is just easier if you get along with the people you work around." you said. he was still looking at you with a small frown before sighing, "okay then, what's your name?" you smiled and answered, "oh wow thanks for asking, it's [Y/N]! nice to meet you."

xiao sighed and looked at you, "do i have to always work the same shifts as you?" you nodded, "well at least for now you're gonna have to, why'd you ask?" you replied.

"i just don't think we'd work well together," he replied bluntly. you looked at xiao and frowned, "and how can you just say that when ive just met you today?"

"i'm not sure. you're just a little... off..." xiao replied. "what does that even mean?" you questioned. "i don't know i just mean what i say, you seem a little off." he responded.

"oh okay. and you're saying that after i very nicely taught you how to use a cash register and avoid getting fired??? i dont think im acting off or whatever you say" you said.

he looked at you and replied, "okay."

stfu!! @xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now