The Siege of Vraks or Krieg charge

Start from the beginning


"The Administratum did not calculate the possibility of Chaos helping and 80,000 troops under the Bishops command, it took Seventeen years of trench fighting, retaking and purifying each trench they claimed, both sides, even the Astartes joined the battle, such as the Dark Angels and Grey knights against Alpha legions and some Chaos warbands... The Siege ended at 830.M41 the imperium triumphed with the death of both Xaphan and the Deacon"

The group was amazed and terrified that a planet can be taken in years

"Now I will show you a hologram of that conflict... Think of it as a cinematic"

The Hologram plays

The hologram starts with a blue clouded sky, shots being heard in the background, slowly descending revealing a trench with three Kriegs two of which are looking surveying for enemies, suddenly a bullet hits a Krieg soldier dropping dead as the Kriegs simply glanced at the dead body then looks back to the enemy trenches

Ruby fumes at this "why aren't they helping him?"

"Like I said they are Kriegs... They do not care."

The hologram moves forward more Kriegs marching back and forth within the trenches. Mortar shots can be seen hitting near the Kriegs trenches

Pyrrha admired the Kriegs unflinching duty.

A leman Russ charges forward shooting a single volley at the enemy, the scene focuses on one trooper who just arrived in the trenches, he surveyed the area then walked towards the Command post.

"What are those vehicles?" Asked Ruby

"Those are Leman Russ named after the Primarch of the 5th legion of the Adeptus Astartes 'Space Wolves. Those tanks are usually the common vehicle to the guardsmen and Astartes with different variant weaponry" Apollo informed the group

The Kriegs trooper sees another trooper guarding the post then nods to which he nodded back letting him pass. Slowly the scene changes to 3 Krieg officers, and 1 Krieg major planning, "I don't care, keep contacting them until we get a reply" the major ordered

Weiss looked than theorized "did the enemy jammed the radios?"

"Indeed." Apollo Replied

"Until we get a sit-rep to our regiment to the east. We cannot act!" The major turns to one of the officers "send in reserves to reinforce further down the line. Make sure that flank is held!" he ordered to which the officer simply nods "Call in Danger close bombardment if need be..."

........................................................... Ozpin's council

Ironwood nodded to that idea though it would take major casualties to the Kriegs reserves


The Kriegs trooper arrived "sir", the major looked up to this trooper "state your number and Regiment guardsmen..." Said the major who was tired and frustrated. "Trooper 302-1, Messenger from the 301st Krieg regiment."

Nora looked then laughed "what kind of name is that? Like seriously what's his name?"

"That is his true name Nora Valkyrie..." Apollo answered

"Wait that is their actual name?!" Weiss looked with confusion

"Krieg troopers Don't get names... Only high-ranking officers or majors may have names..."

"Our eastern flank?! We have been trying to contact you for the Past three hours!! What's going on?" The major ordered "our lines have taken Heavy casualties and communications have been cut... My commander has sent my squad to report that the 301st will be withdrawing from the second line with crippling losses." Said the Krieg 302-1

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