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Yashiro mopped the floor tiredly.

She was moving slower than usual, missing spots and having to take regular breaks.

Her cheeks were red, face pale, and her eyes were droopy.

Needless to say, Hanako was worried.

He sat on the windowsill like he did every day, observing her sluggish and slow movements. She wasn't acting normal.

"Hey, Yashiro, you ok?"
"Huh?" She looked up to him. Hanako could easily see the tiredness behind her eyes.

"You ok?" He repeated.
"Uh- oh. Yeah, I'm just tired."

Hanako was not convinced. Yashiro was never like this, she was mostly talkative, and hadn't complained about boys in at least the last 30 minutes. Usually, she would be done by now, but she had only cleaned half of the room.

"Are you sure?" Hanako asked, his tone doubtful.
"Totally sure." She yawned.

He could sense that she was lying. Hanako got up and walked over to her, and Yashiro gave no reaction.

He placed his palm on her forehead, gently.

"Yashiro, you're burning up."

Yashiro looked up to see Hanako's worried expression. She had never really seen him like this. But, she was too drowsy to totally register what was going on.

Her head felt like it was going to explode, and her throat felt sore and closed.

"Give me that."

Hanako took the mop from Yashiro's hands and propped it up against the wall.

"What- I'm not done-"
"You are done."

Hanako took Yashiro by her waist, holding her and supporting her weight as he opened the door and walked out with her.

Yashiro wasn't fully aware of what was going on, but she felt Hanako's cold hand on her waist, and she felt a flutter in her chest. She ignored it.

They walked through the halls and down a flight of stairs, Hanako holding Yashiro tighter to make sure she didn't fall.

Eventually, they came to a room that Yashiro didn't recognise.

It was the staff room.

Most, if not all teachers were at home by now, with school ending 40 minutes ago.

Hanako pushed open the door with his foot and guided Yashiro to one of the small sofas, holding her head gently as he laid her down on it.

Yashiro let out a sigh and relaxed into the cushions.

Hanako watched her. She was still pale, and when he placed his hand on her head, it was still very hot.

He was nervous.

"Is there... anything I can get you?" He murmured.
"Mmm...water?" She mumbled back.

Hanako nodded and walked over to a water dispenser, getting a plastic cup and filling it with water. He brought it over to Yashiro, who had her eyes closed.

"Here, pick your head up a bit..." he lifted her head slightly up so she could sip on the water.

He noticed how ill she looked, and felt bad for making her do the cleaning.

He pulled the water away, still anxious about her. He placed her head down softly and put the cup on a nearby table.

"Is there anything else you need?" He asked.

Yashiro, in her drowsy state, still thought to herself about how kind Hanako was being, something she experienced very rarely. He was staying quiet too, as to not make her head ache any more.

"Stay with me. Please." She whispered.

She reluctantly pulled herself up. Hanako reached out to push her lightly back down, but she grabbed his hand.

"Lie?" She gestured to the sofa.

Hanako gulped, and obliged, unable to say no to Yashiro in the state she was in.

He was confused, but lay down where Yashiro was. She sighed and lay down on top of him, facing the ceiling.

Hanako was slightly propped up by the armrest, and Yashiro's head dropped onto his chest.

He could feel his cheeks heat up.

"Just here." She whispered.

Hanako nodded, not like she could see him anyway, and relaxed.

Yashiro felt Hanako's heart rate quicken, but brushed it off with a soft, tired smile.

Hanako did not expect his day to end like this, but he certainly wasn't complaining.

He felt her doze off on him, and gave her a small kiss on her head before wrapping his arms around her.

"Get well soon, Yashiro."

(W/C: 709) I'm still illlllll! Really feeling like Yashiro now.

Also, I just released a new book, Promised! It's on my page if you'd like to check it out. It's an enemies to lovers (a trope I just love), and I'd really appreciate if you'd give it a read.

Thanks as always! -M <3

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