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——— Summer of 1981. ———
AU where Yashiro and Amane live as teenagers in 1981.

"Miss, you forgot to give us homework!"
The entire class groaned.
"Ah, thank you Hina. Everyone, for homework do page..."
The teachers voice dissipated away in Yashiro's ears. She laid her head on her desk, longingly staring out of the window beside her. It was Thursday and school was almost over, and the preppy smart annoying girl decided to ruin the whole classes weekend by bringing up homework.

Soon after, the school bell rang, and everyone started packing up their books into their bag, the sound of chatter and laughter filling the room. Yashiro stayed put, staring out of the window down at the courtyard below.

A warm hand planted itself on her shoulder.
"Come on Yashiro, remember what you said!"
Amane smiled down at her. He had his backpack slung over one shoulder, looking just as chill yet equally as lively. His cheery smile and warm demeanour made Yashiro's heart skip a beat. She (tried to) ignore the feeling.

Yashiro and Amane made a deal at lunch time, to go down to the arcade and see who could win the most amount of games. Amane had done Yashiro's homework the week before (after a lot and a lot of begging on Yashiro's part), and Amane wanted paying back, in a good amount of fun. And Yashiro would be paying for all the games.

Yashiro sighed and picked up her bag and tucking her chair in.
"Fine fine. Just letting you know now, I'm going to be the winner."
Amane laughed.
"I'd like to see you try.

"Ahhh! Nene!" Aoi skipped over to her best friend.
Yashiro and Amane were on their way out of school, and unfortunately for them, they bumped into their other friends.
'You're ruining our together time!' They both thought in union. They both smiled the pain away and walked over to their group.

"Hey senpai! Hey Amane! Where are you guys headed to?"
Kou exclaimed. He was stood between Mitsuba and Tsukasa, both of whom were smiling as the sight of their best friends.
Aoi and Akane were stood together (not surprising, Akane was always by Aoi's side), and they were both talking to Yashiro.

"We're just on our way to the arcade." Amane said cheerfully.
"The arcade?" Tsukasa's mouth formed a small o shape.
"Mhm. Remember when I did Yashiro's homework for her last week? This is payback. She will never recover from today, I'm going to beat her 100-1!"

Yashiro interjected.
"Uh, no you're not! I'm beating you whether you like it or not!"
Tsukasa laughed.
"Aw Amane-chan! You can't possibly be so heartless to destroy a girl in all those arcade games!"
The group laughed, and Yashiro huffed and folded her arms, looking off down the hall.

"Well, we'd better get going, I have some games to play."
Yashiro and Amane waved at their friends and swiftly made their way out of the school.
Secretly, they were both glad they got away from their talkative companions.

Yashiro's head drooped as she groaned. She was not having a good time.
"Amane, that was not fair at all."
"Haha, you're just a sore loser! 10-0. I'm winning by a mile!"

Hanako averted his attention back to the arcade game. Space Invaders.

Yashiro groaned again. Amane punched the air as he beat yet another game.
Yashiro watched Amane subtly, eyeing his reactions to the game. His tongue stuck out slightly from the corner of his mouth. He was so entranced by the game, all his attention focused onto the screen, his fingers tapping and pulling the joystick.

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