New order

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"Selena,I need to ask you something"-I said,looking at her.Yup,I established a connection with Helio and Selena,so in my free time,spiritually I'm in Alexandria.

"You can ask me anything"-she said,taking my hand.I sighed and collected strength,"are me and Klaus yours and Helio's dopplegängers"-I asked and she put her gaze down.

"You're partly correct.You're my dopplegänger,but Klaus is not Helio's."-she said,golden crown on her head was shining more than sun.

"What will happen if my mother die one day?You said that you saw the future,so tell me."-I said and her eyes became wide,something is not good.

"If Anastasia die,a war will come.Own blood will kill each other,only because of unlimited power,if that happens everyone are in danger Natalia."-she said and suddenly she felt like she can't breath.

"What's going on?Are you okay"-I asked,but she pushed me from herself."You need to go back.The darkness is coming and she will take someone.Now go"-she said and then I opened my eyes.


"Nat,are you okay?What Selena told you"-Freya asked,helping me to stand up.It was our idea to connect with Selena,because she is the only one who saw future.

"She said that darkness is coming and that she will take someone"-I said,drinking water which Freya gave me.My eyes were heavy,my mind was occupied with fear,only thinking about what Selena said to me.

But then Klaus arrived,looking at me with sad eyes,he was pale."Klaus what happened"-I asked,scared and confused.He closed his eyes,looking at me and then single tear streamed down his face.

"It's about Anthony and your mother.Both of them are ill."-my world has collapsed in these two minutes.If something happens to my brother or mother,I couldn't live with that."I'm going to see them","I will go with you"-Klaus said,taking my hand and then we teleported to the house.

"Nat,you're here"-Kaya said,running to hugg me,her beautiful blue eyes were red like blood."What happened"-I asked,my breathing was hard I felt like a elephnat was sitting on my lungs.

"They're ill,no one know how's that possible"-someone said and it was my father.I didn't saw him for long time."Dad"-I said,hugging him,tears were escaping from my eyes,my pride and bravery vanished.

"How are they"-I asked,wiping my tears,his expression was telling that they weren't good."They're in danger my dear,doctors said that illness is hereditary,but as they found out only your mother and brother are ill,all of us are immune on that"-he said,wiping his tears.I can only imagine his pain,the love of his life is fighting with death.

"My lord,my ladies"-doctor said,leaving the room where my mother and brother lie."How are they"-my father asked,hoping for good news."My lord,this illness progressed more than we thought.We tried everything to stop it,but it was stronger.I'm sorry to say but their hignesses are dead."-doctor said,my eyes were wide,tears were streaming non stop.My brother who protected me since we were little is gone.

"No,it's not true.Please tell us that they're alive"-I said with pain,but doctor shaked his head.Then my father fell on the ground,doctors came to help him but he take my hand,looking at me with green eyes."My dearest Natalia... the life inside you....protect it because that child is heir,after my death you're next queen of Asgard"-he said and life left him.

I hold my stomach and then I screamed in pain,all glass became dust.In one day I lost my parents and brother,when I collected myself,I heard a cry,it was Isidora.Poor child lost mother and now father.I took her in my arms,holding her close to me.

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