Escape from the past

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Past,the only thense which you cannot change,the most painful place to defeat someone."Are you okay,how you feel"-Anthony asked,entering my room.My eyes were red like a river of blood,I felt so weak that I wanted to end this misery and pain.

"I can't give you answet on that question.I fell like past wants to tell me something,but I can't figure what is it"-I said,coughing in napkin,blood is still there."I saw him brother,after five goddamn centuries.His eyes have the same glow,but in that moment I saw other person"-I said,breaking in cry.

Anthony sat beside me,hugging me tightly and trying to make me feel better,but in vain."Everything will be fine Nat"-he said,rubbing my back."I need to ask you something,did you tell him about the child"-he asked,in that couple of seconds,everything around me froze.Officially the most painful question and the most painful memory.

"No,I didn't.What happened in the past,stays in the past"-I said,wiping my tears.In that moment I heard Fiona calling me."Miss,you have a visitor",oh god it's him."You need to talk to him,you're importnant to him"-he said,placing hands on my shoulders."I'll go to change,tell him that I'm coming in five minutes"-I said,before he left the room.

I changed in black shirt with straps,dark red skirt and navy blue cardigan.I left my black hair in natural state,curls and I put a necklace which he gave me(with twigs and tear pendant)."Fiona,where is a guest","he's in garden with mr Anthony"-she said,watching me as I was leaving the house."We about the wolf and the wolf at the door"-Anthony said and then my eyes met with Klaus's.

"I'll leave you two"-Anthony said,leaving me alone and Klaus alone."Well hello Klaus,it's been a long time since we talked"-I said,sitting on garden chair.I felt a big change in his and my aura,both of us are nervous."I want ot talk with you,if you do not mind"-he said with his british accent,damn I want to jump in his hug so much,not letting him go.

"Okay,let's talk"-I simply said with smile,driking a tea.He closed his eyes and sighed,"I will be completely honest with you love;I missed you so much Nat,telling you goodbye was the hardest thing which I ever did"-he said,taking my hand in his.His beautiful eyes were full of bitter tears,it's breaking my heart to see him like this.I closed my eyes and sighed,looking at beautiful blue eyes."I missed you too Nik"-I said,letting little tear to stream down my cheek,then he rubbed my cheek,wiping a tear."Il mio bellissimo angelo"-he said on italian.I looked at him strangely.He giggled,"it means 'my beautiful angel' ";in that moment I remembered how much I love his presence.

"I need to tell you something,the reason why I am still alive is because...I'm immortal llike you.I'm goddess Nik"-I said and he looked at me with wide eyes."What,tell me that you are not joking"-he said,looking at me with those charming eyes."Why you didn't tell me before love"-he asked with bright smile,I giggled."You don't hate me"-I asked,very insecure,"I don't hate you love,why would I,you loved me even though you know what I am.How could I hate you"-he said,kissing my knuckles,but then my emotions changed.

"Tell me the reason why are you here"-I said,pulling my arms towards me."Are you okay Nat"-he said,trying to put his hand on my cheek,but I pulled away.I coughed blood again,but in larger quantities,"Nat,why are you coughing blood,are you ill"-he asked,sitting now beside me.

"Why you did this to me,why"-I said,letting tears to escape from my eyes."Nat...","no,don't,please don't,why you left me alone,why"-I said,breathung heavely,my vision was blury from crying.He stood up and pulled me in his arms,his warm touch was all I needed all these years."Why you left me without any answer,I thought that Mikael..."-I cry harder in his warm chest,he kissed my head gently,trying to calm me."I know my love,I'm so sorry,I thought the same,please forgive me"-he said,taking my face in his hands."All these years I thought about you,I thought I lost you"-he said,looking at me with sad eyes.

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