Chapter Fifty-Nine

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The Millennium Falcon-Deep Space
1000 Standard Time

The Organas and Memily stayed on Naboo for a few more weeks before they received word that they'd be able to return home. When word reached them that Alderaan had been liberated they began their preparations to leave and reestablished contact with Sabé so that she could travel with them on the Falcon. Originally Han had been asked to lead the strike against the Imperial presence on Alderaan but turned it down as he wanted to help Leia with the twins and he knew the pain it would cause Leia if her husband died freeing her home world.

While Han was engaging the Falcon's autopilot and everyone else was eating in the main hold Leia was putting the twins down for a nap. It was going to be difficult for the twins to adjust to the time difference from Naboo to Alderaan but Leia was trying her best to ensure there was as little crying in the middle of the night as possible.

Han had modified the wall in their cabin to be able to attach the twins bassinets to make it easier for Han and Leia to reach them when the twins started crying or became fussy.

Currently, somewhat uncharacteristically, the twins were sleeping peacefully and not disturbing anyone. Leia took this rare opportunity to lie down on her and Han's buck not to sleep but simply to relax with her thoughts.

It had been almost four years since she had last stepped foot on Alderaaaan and there were many people there who Leia hadn't heard from in that time either some off which were members of her family or who had known her her whole life. Leia would need to tell them about her heritage as well as her marriage to Han and the birth of the twins and they would have to adjust to the changes they had all personally undergone over the past few years.

As the cabin door opened and Leia heard the footsteps walk towards her she didn't need to look up to know who it was.

"Did you manage to engage the autopilot?" Leia asked Han.

"Yeah," Han answered as he quickly snuck a peek at the twins. "We should arrive on Alderaan in three standard hours."

Leia nodded without sitting up or getting out of the bunk. Instead she simply moved to make room for Han as he slid into the bunk next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"You nervous?" Han asked as he began playing with the end of a loose lock of Leia's hair which was tied back into a simple braid.

"I'm not sure nervous is the right word," Leia said honestly, "but it's something like that though perhaps it's more uncertainty about what's going to happen." 

"Your parents seem to be feeling the same way," Han told her. "Your aunts just seem more desperate to see their kids again and same for Sabé about her husband. They all seem to feel guilty about having to leave them behind before the Empire invaded."

Leia nodded absently.

"There are so many people on planet during the Imperial occupation that I wished I could have helped but I've had to think of the bigger picture for the last few years," Leia mumbled to herself. "I'm just glad that Alderaan has it's freedom and soon so will the entire galaxy."

Leia snuggled closer to Han. 

"I'm looking forward to seeing Alderaan again," Leia continued as she closed her eyes, "to feel the air on my face and to feel the warmth of the sun. To see the . thrantas and snow owls fly overhead and see the nerfs in the fields and smell the candlewick flowers and the ladalums and taste the starblossoms."

"I can't wait to see it all," Han smiled at her gently. Leia's eyes fluttered open.

"There are so many places that I want to show you, you and the twins," Leia said. "Appenza Peak, Glarus Lagoons, Istabith Falls and Aldera Palace of course. I want to show you all the secret passageways and hidden rooms." 

"Hmmm," Han hummed. "I'm more interested in seeing your bedroom."

Leia rolled her eyes fondly.

"Not when you'll have to meet TooVee," she smirked. "I think she's the only droid you're going to find more annoying than Threepio."

"Impossible," Han scoffed.

"Don't be so sure hotshot," Leia joked. "I'm probably going to have to stop you from shooting her when she suggests you wear something opulent like a ruff."

Han's eyes widened and he looked absolutely horrified. Leia laughed.

"There's so many things I want to do when I go home," Leia finally said quietly. "But I'll have so much to deal with first."

Han pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"It'll be alright," Han reassured her. "And if worst comes to worst you'll still have your family."

Leia nodded and snuggled closer to Han. She loved being so physically close to Han. She was so glad that Han was coming with them to Alderaan she was likely to rely on him a lot soon. Yes there was probably going to be controversy over her marriage but Leia had enough faith in her people to accept Han and if they didn't she hadn't changed her mind about what she'd do if that happened. If she was forced to pick between her title and her family she would pick her family every single time.

Just as Leia felt herself beginning to fall asleep one of the wins began to cry snapping their parents out of their peacefully moment.

"The rooms in the palace are soundproof right?" Han grumbled as he got out of the Buick while the other twin began to cry having been woken up from their nap by their sibling.

Author's Notes:

Story Word Count: 962
Published: 26/07/22

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