Chapter Fifteenth

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Unroola Dawn - Unroola System
2100 Unroolan Time

Ever since the first time about a week after the Battle of Yavin Leia had come to really enjoy sabacc games with the Rouges.

She enjoyed the Rouges company and had gotten much better at sabacc. Not to mention Luke, Chewie and Han were always there as well.

As Wedge started dealing out the cards Leia noticed two figures walking towards them.

"Mom? Dad?"

Just like that everyone else at the table quickly turned around to see that indeed the Queen and Viceroy of Alderaan were walking towards their table.

Everyone quickly stood up to salute to the pair except for Leia, Han, Luke and Chewie who were more comfortable around them so didn't feel the need for formality. And Han wouldn't care for it either way.

"Hello Leia dear," Bail smiled. "Just wondering if we could join you for a game of sabacc."

Leia blinked twice.

"Umm sure?"

Bail and Breha each took a seat opposite where Leia, Han, Luke and Chewie were sitting. The Rouges continued to stare at them probably not used seeing the royal couple in such casual clothing. Leia rolled her eyes at them.

"Just sit down!" she snapped.

Luckily the Rouges complied.

"So do you know why your parents are here?" Han whispered to Leia

"No idea."

Once everyone was seated again Wedge continued handing out the cards.

Breha took note of the fact that Wedge didn't place any cards in front of Leia unlike everyone else.

"Antilles? Is Leia not playing?" Breha asked Wedge.

The Rouges nearest Bail and Breha made a noise similar to a snort which they then covered up to sound like a cough.

"No Your Highness she's playing," Wedge said.

"She wouldn't be that kind," Luke muttered under his breath thinking of all the times he'd lost this game because of Leia or Han.

"Then why doesn't she have any cards?" Breha asked.

"Technically she does," Wedge motioned his head over the table.

Breha turned her head to see Leia resting her arm against Han as she looked over his shoulder at his cards in his hand while taking a sip from her bottle of Whyren's Reserve.

Breha noted how comfortable Leia appeared to look being so close to Han. Breha also heard Bail grumbling under his breath about it but she gave him a light slap on the arm to get him to be quite.

"She and Han always partner up together," Wedge explained.

"We still haven't managed to get it banned," Janson mumbled like Luke also thinking about the number of times that Han and Leia had kicked his ass at sabacc.

A few hours later and only Breha and Han and Leia were in. This was the final game with the biggest jackpot.

During the games Breha had noticed the strength of Han and Leia as a team. They hadn't won every game but they had won a good deal of them and in the process had collected a fine pile of credits that they were going to divide between them.

As Breha placed her own cards down she was feeling pretty confident. The cards she had were pretty good ones. Leia was deliberately not looking at her leading Breha to believe that they were probably bluffing.

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