Part 6

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"Kaeya," Albedo walked over to Kaeya, "Mhm?" Kaeya looked at Albedo. Albedo looked away and made an 'uhhh' sound.

"What's wrong?" Kaeya asked, "Well," Albedo couldn't look at Kaeya. "Your dog," Albedo started, "Is lost. I'm sorry, I'll help you find him." Albedo closed his eyes, like he thought he was gonna get hit. Kaeya stared at him.

"Hah..that's not really funny Albedo.." Kaeya said while sweating a bit. "Kaeya, it's not a joke." Albedo said.
Kaeya stared at Albedo again.

Kaeya immediately grabbed his jacket and ran out the door to look for his dog.
"Kaeya!" Albedo grabbed his jacket too and ran after him.

-A few hours after searching for Prince (The dog)-

"Kaeya..It's getting late. And it's raining, I'm sure Prince will find his way back." Albedo was about to put a hand on Kaeya's shoulder until Kaeya turned around to face Albedo, which made Albedo make his hand go back to his side.

Albedo looked at Kaeya and his eyes widened when he saw Kaeya crying.
"Go home if you don't wanna keep looking, but I'm not giving up. He has to be around here somewhere.." Kaeya said turning back around and walking away.

"Kaeya! Wait!" Albedo ran after him, be he stopped when he realized it wasn't worth it.
Albedo sighed then began walking home.

Albedo got closer to home until he heard a barking type noise. Albedo looked over to the bush and looked at it confused.
Albedo went towards it and was surprised when a dog popped out.

It was Prince!

Albedos eyes widened and he picked up Prince, "Thank god.." Albedo hugged Prince, "Kaeya's going to be so happy that you're okay Prince.." Albedo said softly while petting him.

Albedo then stopped petting him, "Why should I care actually..?" Albedo suddenly said.

"Maybe if you were dead he would leave this town."
Albedo added.
"Though I wouldn't kill an animal..he'll leave soon enough." Albedo then walked back to his house with Prince in his hands.


Kaeya's not back yet, I wonder if he's still searching.
Albedo thought.

Albedo let prince down and closed the door, Albedo took off his coat and put it on the coat rack.
"I'll get you some food Prince, you must be hungry." Albedo said while going into the kitchen.

Albedo poured dog food into his bowl and put some fresh water out, Prince then began to eat and drink.
Albedo walked away and yawned.

What time is it?
Albedo looked at the clock, it was almost midnight.

The door then opened, Kaeya came in.
"Kaey—!" Albedo got interrupted by Kaeya hugging Albedo, "Please..let me do this..I really need it." Kaeya said while hugging Albedo tighter.
Albedo felt his heart start beating faster, "Did you find him..Albedo?" Kaeya then asked, Albedo nodded.

Kaeya couldn't help but hug Albedo tighter, "Thank you, thank you so much." Kaeya said, with some tears running down his face.

"I love you so much Albedo." Kaeya said, Albedo stayed quiet.
"You don't have to say it back." Kaeya said letting go of the hug. Albedo looked away, he felt bad.

Prince came in and barked happily at Kaeya, Kaeya went over to Prince, picked him up, and hugged him.
"I missed you Prince, you made me worry a lot." Kaeya said to his dog. Albedo thought it was cute how much he cared for his dog. Though he didn't let it show.

"I think we should go to bed," Kaeya said while looking at Albedo with a smile. "Can me and Prince sleep in your room tonight? It's freezing in the guest bedroom!" Kaeya went back to his normal cheery self.

Albedo sighed, "Fine, whatever." Albedo then went to his room.
Kaeya followed with Prince in his hands.


Albedo laid in his bed, Kaeya placed Prince down and closed the door.
Kaeya sat next to Albedo on the bed, King found a spot under a table to sleep.

"I love you Albedo," Kaeya said with a smile. Albedo sat up and looked at Kaeya, "You don't have to keep saying that, I know I found your dog and whatever but you don't have to say that." Albedo replied.

"It's not just because you found my dog. It's because I really love you." Kaeya said looking at Albedo.

"You don't love me Kaeya, you just don't want to feel guilty for what you did to me," Albedo stared back at Kaeya.
"That might be true. But right now it feels like I really love you." Kaeya looked away.
"Being with you is the only thing I can see myself doing." Kaeya said, fidgeting with his hands.

"Can I ask you a question?" Albedo said, looking down a bit.

"Yeah?" Kaeya answered, "Why did you do all those things to me?" Albedo asked.

Kaeya stopped fidgeting with his hands and his eyes widened.
"I.." Kaeya felt like he couldn't speak.

"It's not because you loved me, so don't even say that." Albedo softly said.

"I..don't know.. I don't know I'm sorry." Kaeya said while he tried to hold back tears.
"You don't know? If you didn't know then you wouldn't have done it in the first place." Albedo said.

Kaeya stayed silent, trying not to cry.

"Maybe it was my fault." Albedo let out a little sigh.
"Maybe it's because the only way I'll feel loved getting hurt." Albedo muttered.
"No..that can't be the whole reason, maybe part of it." Albedo then laid down again.

"I don't want to think about it anymore..goodnight, Kaeya." Albedo said then closed his eyes.

"Goodnight.." Kaeya replied then wiped his eyes that were full of tears.

He wanted to apologize, but he knew Albedo wouldn't listen to him. He knew he messed everything up but he just wanted to restart, but that's not a possible, in this world nor in any other world.

You can't restart your life or relationships, even if you wanted to. That's nonsense.


no author note lol

Reputations. || KaebedoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt