Chapter three: Deal?

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Third-person pov.

It didn't hit Sae-Byeok until she sat down next to Ji-Yeong. That Sae-Byeok was now sitting next to someone who had died in front of her and a mystery man who was the reason she was in this Hell hole.

"Why am I here?" Sae-Byeok said in her cold and heartless voice. Even though both girls have known each other for the past couple of days. Ji-Yeong knew what Sae-Byeok doing. Sae-Byeok acts like she is cold and heartless and shuts people out to stop herself from getting hurt by those people.

The black suited-masked man sat down in his chair. "You're here to listen to a deal I have." He said.

"Why am I here?" Ji-Yeong asked still wrapped in the light blue blanket that the frontman let her keep.

"You are here to listen to the same deal as player 67." Both girls tense up ready to listen to what the frontman had to say.

"You two have the most chemistry out of all these games I have been a part of. And I admire a great love story when I see one..." Ji-Yeong started to blush uncontrollably. She was embarrassed by this so she turned her head away to hide her blush. But for Sae-Byeok; she had mastered the ability to not show any emotions.

"You know about the VIPs?" (Pretend they know they are being treated like a puppet for money and know about the VIPs) The frontman continues. Both girls nodded. "For the next game, we are down two staff members so I saw the opportunity to get this situation right."

"What are you saying?" Asked Sae-Byeok

"I am prepared to offer you a deal." Said the frontman.

"Which is?" Asked Sae-Byeok again.

"I need two people to run a bar..."

As Ji-Yeong heard the word bar she was somewhat excited to be behind a bar again. Ji-Yeong was friends with a boy from school when she was younger. She would help out to stay away from her father and she ended up working there for a bit. She worked behind the bar and so she knows how to make any type of bar drink.

Sae-Byeok seemed to notice this...

'So I want you two to do this job for me."

"What's in it for us," asked Sae-Byeok.

"You can go freely with half of the prize money."

"What if we say no?" Ji-Yeong asked.

"If you say no then player 67 will go back to the games. While you will... Complete the same fate as you were meant to. You will die."

The horror on Sae-Byeok's face proved to the frontman that 67 did in fact care about player 240.

"I'll give you two some time to think about it." The frontman got up and left.

Sae-Byeok turned to Ji-Yeong and couldn't help but smile. "What?" Asked Ji-Yeong as she asked as she caught Sae-Byeok's glare. "Nothing im just happy to see your cute face." Replyed Sae-Byeok. This made Ji-Yeong blush so much she looked like she was beading a bit. Ji-Yeong was embarrassed a bit and looked away from Sae-Byeok.

But she quickly looked back as she remembered the choice they had to make. As Ji-Yeong looked at Sae-Byeok and instantly Sae-Byeok knew what the other was thinking. "I want to take the deal..." Sae-Byeok said in a sad tone of voise. "Before you say anything. I need to get out of here. I need to see my brother again and it's your life on the line and I didn't think I could ever lose you again..."

After realising what she just said; Sae-Byeok looked back up at Ji-Yeong who was smiling with joy and blushed. "You can't lose me again?" Ji-Yeong started to laugh as Sae-Byeok started to stutter with her words. After a few seconds later Ji-Yeong sat up straight again and pulled Sae-Byeok's chin forward and say "If I make you happy then I'll take the deal with you." In that minute Ji-Yeong felt her lips in lock with Sae-Byeok's. It was only for a few seconds but it felt like an hour to her.

When the frontman came back in he asked "Have you two made a decision?" Both of the girls nodded their heads and both said out loud at the same time "We decided that we will take the deal."

Both girls looked at each other surprised. "Very well if that is your choice then please may you follow staff member 94 to your one-night stay room." The frontman pointed to the staff member behind them.

Both girls go up and start to walk towards the door but the frontman had one more thing to say. "Player 420?!" Ji-Yeong stopped in the doorway and turned back around. "Are you going to take that blanket I said you could keep it?" Ji-Yeong rushed back to the seat she was sitting in and then quickly said thank you and grabbed the blanket then ran out of the office and caught up to her girlfriend.

Is she, my girlfriend?- Ji-Yeong Wattpad, 2021.

As Ji-Yeong reached Sae-Byeok and put half of the blanket on her shoulder. Which made Sae-Byeok a lot confused. But it was a bit cold where they were.

As they reached the room where they were staying Ji-Yeong was hoping that she was staying in the same room as Sae-Byeok. They entered the room as it was a small one. It had two beds put together and one sink. It was better than nothing. And two the girls it was probably the best room they have ever slept in. As the door shut behind them Sae-Byeok went and layed on the bed. A few seconds later Ji-Yeong went over a layed next to her.

"Hello?" Said Sae-Byeok. "What do you want?"

"Haha you know this is my bed two." Said Ji-Yeong annoyed at the bigger female.

"I know." Sae-Byeok kissed Ji-Yeong's forehead. Which got her thinking.

"Hey, Sae?"
"Am I your girlfriend?"

There was a short pause which made Ji-Jeong regret asking her question.

"If you want to be," Sae-Byeok answered, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Ji-Yeong's face lit up ever so brightly which almost blinded Sae-Byeok. "But first can we get to know each other a bit more."

Both of the girls knew things about the other which they had never told anybody else. (Well to be fair they thought one of them were going to die.) But they never really knew anything else about each other. Like favourite foods, drink, movie, place, person. So they did that until they both fell asleep or Ji-Yeong did. Then Sae-Byeok was left to her thoughts threw out the night.

(To be continued)

Word count: 1183

~Thorght you were gone~ Sae-Yeong/ 067x240/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora