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"Why the fuck are you in my kingdom?" My mother repeats.

Prometheus stands in front of Ira, shielding her from harm. A sliver of envy wraps around my mind as I furrow my eyebrows.

"I come bearing no weapons or ill intentions, Alpha." Prometheus states candidly.

My mother's cold eyes settle on Tory's unconscious form on the bench. She pulls her arrow back further. If she lets go or if her fingers slip, my dragon prince is as good as dead.

"Who did this to my friends' son?"

Prometheus goes to speak, but is cut off by Ira silencing him with her actions. She situates herself in front of my mother and bows her head.
Her white hair falls forward and I am surprised to see the pointy elf-like ears that were hidden behind her short hair.

"It is me, Alpha. He looked a threat to my prince and Renegade. I used sedative dart to immobilize him. Punish me in whatever way you seem it fit."

Prometheus' eyes widen.
"Ira, what are you doing?"

Simultaneously, my mother lowers her bow and aims the arrow at Ira's exposed chest.
"I want to know how you entered Delphinea. I have all Packs on a vigilant lookout for your kind."

My surroundings become darker and the heat in the air subsides slightly.
A large shadow blocks out the sun's warm rays. I look up. In the sky, a large body bigger than an airplane glides. The creature's serpentine eyes looks at us as if we are insects.
Justina stands on the dragon's scaly neck, holding onto the creature by its horns.

"Hyperion? Justina?" I hear Prometheus utter incredulously.

The dragon lets out a roar and the werewolves around me howl. The dragon descends. Tarmac crumbles and the ground vibrates. Windows rattle.

"Attack!" I hear my mother shout.

Guns fire. Arrows fly. Weapons are drawn.

My people begin attacking the dragon. The barrage of gunshots have me covering my sensitive ears.

Prometheus grabs Ira and I and pulls us into an alley. One of the safest places to be in this this mess.
He looks at us, his eyes beginning to glow like embers.
"I do not wish for you two to get involved."

"How would I not be involved? Call off the dragons!" I say furiously.

I am not exactly the most peaceful person, but something in me does not want Prometheus fighting my people. I don't want him to become my enemy.

"I cannot. It is highly likely that reinforcements are on their way if they are not already here." He says, sounding defeated.

A loud explosion occurs, causing the ground to shake and small pieces of rubble fall over us. Prometheus looks up and around us. He then returns his gaze to me.

My throat begins to hurt as I look at him. I feel it becoming more difficult to swallow.
"Prometheus, if you hurt my people, I will never forgive you."

The embers in his irises diminish and all that is left is a dull orange color. I don't want to hurt him, but I cannot and will not accept him harming my kind. Regardless of whatever developing feelings I have for him.

Ira grabs our attention by speaking up.
"Prom, you did taught me that if people can find violence ways to solve a issue, also they can find peaceful way."

Who is teaching this elf English? That idiot needs to be fired because I can't even!

Shut your big mouth, you yapping little dog.

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