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Today is Monday and I'm getting that suspicious-looking book of Justina's.

Marco, Tamreen, Tiffany and I are standing at our lockers discussing the 'fight' between Justina and I.

Our next lesson was Lupine Studies, while Tamreen had Science. The bell would ring in about two minutes.

"I wonder if she would show her hopefully fucked up face today." Tiffany snickers.

"Though I'm against violence, she was in the wrong for hurting a cub." Tamreen says and high fives Tiffany.

I swear those two have started a Justina Hate club. Marco looks at his cellphone and over his shoulder.

"I gotta go. My LS teacher is  MIA* so we're getting a substitute teacher, which is Miss Julien and y'all know how bitchy she gets." Marco rushes down the empty hallways. [A/n: MIA is an acronym for missing in action if you didn't know(^_^)]

"See ya!" I holler at him.

Tiffany and I make our way up the stairs while Tamreen happily trots to her class downstairs.

When we reach our classroom, I notice a certain dark-skinned redhead behind us. I allow Tiffany to enter the half full classroom first.

Justina's face seems to have healed fully, since she did not have a single bruise or scratch. Neither is she limping.

It seems as if she had just arrived from her previous class, since she was carrying her textbooks in hand. Lupine Studies textbook, Vampire History textbook, a small pile of Vamp history notes, notebooks for both subjects and the little black leather book.

I smirk. This is going to be so easy.

She has her head up and is glaring at me as she nears the door. I purposely bump into her and cause all of her books to fall down.

"Fuck you, Halo." She seethes as she bends over to pick her stuff up.

"Let me help." I say, quickly bending over and picking up the pieces of paper sprawled all over the floor.

"I didn't ask you to." Justina hisses as she grabs her Vamp history book.

I grip her arm and force her to stand up. She glares at me.

"Listen, I don't know why, but ever since you got here, we've been at each other's throats." I start.

Justina raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms. During my pause, I discreetly place my sneakered foot on top of the black book.

"We have taken a mutual disliking to one another ever since meeting. And it doesn't help that you accused me of theft." I say.

I slowly and carefully slide the book closer to the wall behind me. Justina seems to not notice, since she is currently focused on my face that she would love to punch, probably.

"But I wanted to say, as much as you repulse me and vice versa, you can have lunch with Marco, Tiff, Mara and I." I conclude.

My pride did not allow me to even get anywhere near admitting that I could have been in the wrong.

"I'm guessing that's the closest thing to an apology I'll ever get from you." She says gruffly.

The bell rings and I quickly drop my school bag to the floor. It lands right on top of the book, covering every inch of it, and I bend down to scoop up all of Justina's papers and books. I shove them into her own open backpack and shoo her into the classroom as one would shoo a hen into it's pen.

More students rush in and sigh in relief when they see our teacher hasn't arrived from her office yet.

I take the book and shove into the front compartment of my bag while Justina and my classmates aren't looking. I sling my bag over my shoulder and hold the door open.

Mrs Thompson walks in with a shocked expression. The binder and stack of books in her hands nearly tumbles to the ground but I happen to catch them thanks to my fast reflexes.

"Am I dreaming or is Renegade being helpful?" Mrs Thompson says while rushing up to her desk and switching in her computer.

"No, Ma'am. I guess I slept on the wrong side of the bed." I say as I put the books onto her desk.

"Nonsense, it had to be the right side since you're acting like a proper decent being. You were awfully quiet during homeroom too."

I make my way to my seat next to Justina and plonk my stuff onto the uncomfortable, smooth wood.

As I look around the classroom, I notice my brother, Tiffany and some other wolves giving me suspicious glances.

"Today we are starting on a new chapter. Mating and Reproduction. Turn to page 32 on your study guides." Mrs Thompson starts with the lesson.

A few sniggers and comments are made due to the very descriptive introductory paragraph on the given page.

A wad of crumpled up paper whizzes past my face and I frown at Justina.

"I forgot my LS study guide. Mind sharing?" She whispers.

She looks reluctant to even ask, but there's nobody sitting on her left. I am her easiest choice.

Like the uncharacteristically nice person I am being today, I put my study guide between the two of us so she could copy down what she needed.

"Turning enemies into friends?" Raider's voice fills my head.

"All will be explained in due time, brother." I smirk at the little doofus sitting at the back with his omega friend.

I wave at the omega, Hailee, who shyly smiles and waves back.

"And Halo is back to her shenanigans. Knew it wouldn't last." Mrs Thompson says monotonously.

I smile and take out my pen. Right, I haven't even started taking down notes.


"Come on, guys! This is our only chance to find out what's really up with this book." I whisper to Marco and Tamreen.

The two immediately stop whatever homework they were working on and scoot closer to me.

I pull out Justina's book and open it.

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