28: Don't Stand Too Close The Heart, Plastic Melts

Start from the beginning

"What? You think Mello and I don't miss you like crazy?" he chuckled, seeing her sad state he cleared his throat, "We will visit you frequently okay? Just not now."

Matt paused before he continued, "Because you're my favorite person I have a secret to tell you." he nudged at her side playfully.

"You do?"

"Mhm." he nodded, "Your name is not in the book."

Furrowing her eyebrows, she tilted her head, "How could it not?"

Matt shrugged, "Don't bother trying to get the book from Mello because as I said your name isn't there. I know you needed that as evidence to put the pretty boy behind bars."

Y/n grew annoyed. How could the book not have my name? She thought. Surely Light tried to write my name in the book on the night of L's 'death. He'd be stupid not to.

Unless he wrote it somewhere else. God this is too confusing.

He shifted to the side and dove into his pockets pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

"Don't you think you're a little too young?" Y/n nodded towards the pack in his hands

"No mom." he joked with a slight wheeze, lighting the stick and being immediately engulfed by its toxic smoke, "Take care of yourself Y/n. I'll be back. I promise." He gave her a warm smile, looking at her one more time before he turned to walk away.


The teen stopped in his tracks immediately and turned around with the cigarette tucked between his lips.

Without saying anything she ran up to him to engulf him in a hug, making him stumble back a bit.

Y/n watched Matt grow up. He was always there for her. She was always there for him. She would sneak him and Mello snacks and stay up to watch movies with them when she shouldn't have.

It was an understatement to say she cared about him.

Y/n felt a pair of arms wrap around her. Matt hugged her back, tossing his cig to the side and placing his chin on top of her head

She reluctantly pried herself off him, "Please be careful" Y/n said in a small voice.

"Now how could I say no to this face." Matt squished her cheeks playfully and laughed before letting go.

"If you both need anything, you know where the orphanage is." Matt nodded with a smile in response, "Tell Mello I said hey and I miss him."

"Will do doll." he patted the side of her face gently, "Now ta-ta." He pushed her gently to the direction she was originally heading to.

She giggled slightly and started walking and looked back to see him one last time but he was gone.

Letting out a deep and sad sigh, she ran a hand through her hair.

Whilst walking back to orphanage she felt that feeling again. But the people who were around were either with someone or walking away, paying no attention to her.

She began to walk a bit faster, putting a hand in her bag.

She saw a shadow behind her, slowly approaching along with the sound of footsteps behind her. It grew louder.

Y/n withdrew a butterfly knife from her bag and pointed it straight to the person's throat. Her eyes widen.

This is why I hardly go outside

"Hey angel."

She recognize his curly black hair, brown eyes and thin frame silver glasses from anywhere, after all, there was once a time she found it attractive.

He did have quite the figure though, broad shoulders and thin waist, quite toned though she would never say it out loud.

"What do you want?"

"Come on now." the man chuckled that sent shivers down her spine, "Still feisty as ever I see." he glanced down at the knife at his throat and back up to her.

Y/n knew that it was him watching her the entire time, it was a gut feeling.

"Again, what do you want?"

"I see you're back from Japan." He smiled, "I also see you've gotten more beautiful, I didn't even know you could."

"I still see you're still an asshole."

He slid in front of her to prevent her from walking further, "Aw don't be like that, don't you miss me~" he reached to brush her hair back but y/n immediately swatted his hand away.

Y/n crossed her arms, "I have a boyfriend, Will."

"We were so good together babydoll, we were happy."

Y/n couldn't help but laugh while waving him off, "I'll admit we were but then your anger fuse went off and you yelled at me every second you got then proceeded to make yourself the victim,"

Will frowned at the memory, "Y/n I was 16, I was a kid. Don't hold it against me."

Y/n sighed, "Fine." which made him smile instantly, "Bye now."

She walked around him and yet again he found himself walking with her

"Is there a reason you're still following me?" She asked not sparing him a glance as she walked

He pushed his glass up the bridge of his nose, "Wanna get coffee?"

Y/n stopped as she reached the orphanage and sighed at the man before her, "What part of 'I have a boyfriend' don't you understand?"

"You realize angel, you can't escape me." it's like his eyes turned dark for a second, making the girl feel uneasy, "The only reason you escaped the first time it's because you moved and I didn't know at the time." he bent down to her height and whispered in her ear, "But we aren't kids anymore are we?"

Y/n pushed him away with a scowl on her face, "Seek therapy."

Y/n turned to walk through the gates when she felt a grip around her wrist.

"Remember your promise beautiful?~" he cooed, "Don't tell me you're breaking promises now are you?"

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