One of the worst things to happen | batfam

Start from the beginning

At least not yet.

Dick needs me now and i will only dare to leave his side if he sends me away.

"Come on" i mutter softly as i help him stand up. I lead him inside his room; away from the cameras that we both know Bruce installed and sit him down on his bed.

Right now is probably the first time i wish Bruce was here since i died. But of course he had to go on that stupid mission and take Alfred with him.

Frustrated I get some clothes from dicks drawer and wreck my brain what Bruce would do as i kneel down infront of him.

" How about you get yourself cleaned up. I will wait right here."
His blue orbs glide over me and i am not fully sure if he heard me untill he nods and stands up going inside his bathroom and locking the door.

Defeated i sit down on his bed arms crossed. I let my head drop down to my chest and listen to the sound of the running shower. It's hard to see the golden boy so broken and sad. He's always there for us. Now i guess we just have to be there for him.

My blood pressure rises when i think about what this bitch did to him and i dig my nails into my arms. How could any one possibly even think about hurting Dickie that way. He's the most considerate person i know.

A slight smile tucks at my lips while i imagine different very painful ways of putting her six feet under.

"Todd? What are you doing inside Graysons room?"

My head snaps up and i am looking straight into the tyrkis-green eyes of my youngest brother. Fuck... why didn't i close the door?

Damian glanced over to the bathroom door probably hearing the shower and looked back at me eyebrows knitted together. "Is something wrong? Is Grayson alright?"

I can see he's trying to seem indifferent but i know he is worried. Dick is important to him. Not only is he his big brother but also his first mentor.

"Everything is fine demon spawn. Dick just got a little roughed up during patrol." The lie comes easy to me tasting awfull. But i can't tell him what happened.

Oh great... I know that face. He doesn't believe me shit.

"Do not lie to me Todd! You and i both know that Grayson wasn't on patrol today." Fuck i forgot. "Tell me right now what happened!"

Though his facade is still the same calm maybe light agitated expression as ever, his voice is laced with concern.

I whirl around when i hear the bathroom door open and Dick comes out in sweats and an oversized pullover. I stand up from his bed and look him over.

Dick normally tanned skin doesn't glow like usually and i can see a dark bruise on his neck that he seemingly had tried to scrub away because the skin around is red. Thinking of the person who made that, tainted his skin, makes my stomach hurl in disgust and rage.

When his eyes find damian he stares at him for a seconde before his expression turns into light confusion.

"Dami? What are you doing up so early?" Dick walks over to our little brother and ruffles his hair, a small sad smile planted on his lips.

That won't be enough to melt Demon spawn's concern away. Normally Dick's smile could make anyone (even batman) feel warm and happy, but this smile doesn't. It doesn't reach his eyes and judging from damian's now actually concerned expression he noticed the force behind it.

"Grayson what happened?" Damian whispers probably shocked about how empty dickies eyes are.

Still smiling that forced smile he kneeled down infront of Damian so they where on eyes height.

"I'm fine little bird i swear."

I look down at my feet not sure what to do while hearing my little brothers voice growing desperate. "You're lying! Dick! What happened."

I look up to see Dick taken aback by damian using his name, wrong smile breaking for a seconde before being put on again.

Both me and demon spawn know that dick would never willingly do anything to upset us, which is why he won't budge.

Damian swiftly glances at me his face more controlled than before then blinks back at dickie still half sitting infront of him.

"You asked what i was doing up so late, right? I... i had a nightmare. Can i sleep in your bed tonight?" Dickie smiles sadly stands up and nods shortly, eyes still holding a tired void. Even when Dick felt like shit he could never not be there for us.

I look at demon spawn who happily jumped on dicks bed with respect. He actually found a way to stay by at least for tonight.

Dick then looks at me. "Sorry for coming late jaybird and making such a fuss..." Why does he apologies?

"No Dickie, ...god, it's fine. I-i am glad i was there" i fidget at my next words. "Can we talk about this later?" I ask not wanting to just leave behind what happened tonight. He gives me a short nod before he lays down next to damian.

I sigh as i walk out the room this time closing the door behind me. My blood was boiling as i stalked down the corridor. This woman had to pay. Abd when dick wouldn't tell me who it was we just had to find out.

Tim looks understandibly confused at me barging into his room. "I need your help finding some one."

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me sceptically. "Why?"

I scoff a laugh "so that i can bring hell upon them for hurting Dickiebird"

(Part 2?)

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