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-Why me? She asks now that everybody is gone.

Hey I don't know, ok!

-I don't even know you...


-And I don't know what to tell you to get you back here.

I'm already here, I just need to open my eyes.

-Cade, she says in a low voice, like she's scared to wake me up. I like your name. It's soft and sweet but very powerful at the same time. Not like Easton. It's a guy name.

I like it. It's different.

-How did you get here?

It's not that long of a story, but even if I tell you you wont hear it.

-They said you've been here for three weeks?

24 days exactly.

-Why don't you wake up?

I'm trying, not that easy.

-It's so weird. I don't know you and I can't get to know you because you're not here, or maybe you are but I can't hear you, but I feel like I know you.

That's creepy!

-Why me?

Maybe because I feel like I know you too.

-I bet you have beautiful eyes.

I do not, they are boring eyes.

-Can you open your eyes for me, Cade?

I'd like too. I'm trying.

-Just once, ok. Try! Try hard little panda.

What did you call me?

-You have to fight, ok? Fight! Give all you have, Cade.

Say it again.

-Panda? Do you like that nickname?

I do.

-Ok, so I'm gonna take your hand, and you're going to move your fingers, deal?

Wait what?

I feel her fingers brushing my skin and it's like electricity just spread threw me. Usually when someone touches me, it feels like feathers, I can barely feel it. But Easton...she feels like rocks. And it's not a bad thing. It's like she's more alive than anybody else. She laces her fingers with mine. Her hand is warm, but it's not soft. It's like she built a whole house before coming here. Her hands rough, she should moisturize them. Her thumb is running on my skin, it's nice.

-Cade? Panda? Move your fingers!

I try. I try really really hard. I concentrate all my energy on my index, where her thumb brushes when she makes circles. My head starts hurting very very much, and if I was conscious I would close my eyes and fold my fist in concentration, and it's how it feels, but I know my body is not moving. I sigh inside my head. This takes so much energy. I'm exhausted. Did it work?

-Did you move? Did you do it? I'm not sure if it was a move or just a muscular spasm. Try again!

Hey dude, if it worked then good, but I'm exhausted. Plus I feel like my head is about to explode.

-Come on! Try again panda!


I concentrate. I concentrate on her fingers, which feels like rocks. I concentrate on that. I want to move my fingers so badly.

-Oh my God! It worked. You moved!

It did?

-You can really hear me! She almost screams.

You still had doubts about that? I thought you understood that part after the scan? You sure you want to go to Harvard?

-Hi, her voice is soft, like a whisper.


-They told me that if you move I have to tell them. And I will, in a second.

No rush.

-This is weird, I don't even know you, but I feel like it's right for me to be here. Do you understand?

I do. I feel it too.

-Open your eyes! I want to see your eyes.

I want to see yours too.

Then the most weird and awesome thing happened. Really fast, really softly, I feel her lips on my hand. I'm not even sure if it's real, if she really just kissed my hand, but whatever she did it feels amazing! It feels like fire, like pure lava! It's like her lips were made of flames and she just burned my skin. I feel her hand let go of mine, I know she's going to tell the nurse, but even when she let go I still feel the warmth of her hand and the burning sensation of her lips.

Don't leave! I need you!

Her footsteps are going toward the door, I feel her energy leave the room. I don't want that! Come Back! I feel like screaming! Come Back! The room feels awfully cold without her. I feel my heart beating really fast, like it might pop out of me! I feel like pushing my covers away and run after her in the hallway. I feel like there's something holding me still to my bed, like I'm tie to the mattress. I can't move! I can't breath! I can't move! I want to move! I want to leave! I want to wake up! I have to wake up! I hear really fast footsteps in the hallway, many people running. My door is thrown open and there's four different people in the room at the same time. There's a lot of noise but I can't quite make it out. Agnes is here. I think doctor Hawks is here too. Easton? Are you here? There's too much noise, too much movement, I can't feel your energy! Where are you?

-Her heartbeat is rising really fast, someone says.

-Her muscles are spasming, something is wrong!

-I think she's going in shock, someone else says.

-What's happening? Her voice says.


-It's dropping! Agnes says. Easton say something again!

-Cade, her voice is coming toward me. Cade can you hear me?

Yes! Yes I can.

-I'm here, she says right next to me, her hand finding mine.

I feel like someone blew on the storm. My heart goes calm and steady the second she touches me.

-I'm here, I'm here, she whispers to me. I'm not going anywhere, ok? I'm not letting go of you, all right Panda?

Don't leave me!

-I won't leave you. I'm here.

There's a silence in the room, I know they are all looking at me. I don't care, I can't do anything about it anyway. I feel her thumb stroking my skin, and it feels like rocks again.

-This is incredible, doctor Hawks says. Her response to you is astonishing, I've never seen anything like this. She's pushing so much to wake up when you're here, and when you leave she drops back down incredibly fast.

-What should I do then? Easton asks, squeezing my hand a little.

-You keep talking to her, asking her to move. You said she moved before?

-Yea her fingers, twice.

-Good, keep doing that. Keep pulling her out.


-I don't know why, Hawk says, but you are vital to her, Easton.

Wake up! (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now