"It really is something isn't it? Makes you appreciate every little moment you have. Speaking of beautiful though, how'd you and the blueberry meet?"

Fischer chuckled slightly at his nickname for her.

"I found her on Earth. She was tucked away behind some bushes. She was hurt pretty badly. Couldn't bring myself to let her die out there so uh. . . I uh, I brought her to my house and sorta let her settle in there."

"Just the two of you?"

"Yea, for the most part. Eventually one of my friends Mira found out about her. . . that complicated things a little. But the two warmed up to each other."

Spatch nodded slowly and turned his gaze back out the window. "Who was Mira? What was she like?"

Fischer sigh with a heavy heart as thoughts of his once best friend came flooding back to him. He hadn't even realised how much he missed her.

"She was great. She was really nice. Always there for me. She was the only reason I made it as far as I did. . . and I'll be honest, I probably owe her my life. It's. . . difficult. . . knowing I'll likely never see her again. She was always there when I needed someone, vice versa. I really miss her, honestly."

"How did you and Ko end up getting here?"


Spatch's eyes widened with curiosity.

"We were on the run from the authorities on Earth and were running out of places. We were desperate, but I also knew there was no way Ko could stay on Earth. We'd be hunted for as long as we lived. So we jumped through it."

"Huh. Well ain't that interesting. Can't say I've ever heard of an Everglow being used as transportation. The damn things are so bloody rare we barely know anything about them."

Fischer shrugged his shoulders before sliding back into his chair. His eyes went lazy and he stared aimlessly at the rainbow of colours outside. His thoughts drifted back to the river of lights. The colours reminded him of the field of light that he and Ko had seen back in Germany. Those memories were growing more and more distant, but he was determined to hold on to them as long as he possibly could.

He shifted in his seat and looked behind him. Quin and Ko were both sound asleep, strapped into their chairs. Ko's head rested on Quin's shoulder, her own head gently resting atop the zapher's. It was nice seeing them together and relatively at peace. Even if he was slightly jealous of Quin.

"Bet you wish you were her right about now hey?" Spatch jested as he jabbed a thumb back in Quin's direction.

Fischer continued to stare longingly at the two of them.

"How. . . how long until we get there?" He asked as he spun back around.

Spatch chuckled slightly as he changed the subject. "Uh, I'd say five, maybe six more hours? You can head back to sleep if you like, I'll wake you when we're there."

Fischer rubbed his tired eyes slightly and ran his fingers over his lips. He contemplated going back to sleep. But he didn't want to disturb the two back there. Besides, the view of space was something he could stare at for days. That and Spatch was surprisingly welcome company.

"I think I might stay up a little longer. I kinda like the view."


Ko's eyes felt like they were almost burning. Despite them being closed, the sensation of fire running through her was making itself quite apparent. Her hands in particular felt odd. The strange sensation of them being lit ablaze but not actually burning had returned. And it was making itself very apparent.

Everglow: The Trials Of AgaronWhere stories live. Discover now