Basket Bidding part 1 (Love triangle between Jess and Tristan)

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The Gilmore girls will be the reason for my death.

Lorelai convinced me to do the basket event while we were at Luke's and she started doing her weird voices again which led to Luke bribing me with two free donuts if I just go to it to shut Lorelai up, and who was I to deny two free donuts? Both Gilmore girls pouted when I got the donuts, but I say it's a fair trade.

On a usual year I wouldn't bother, but Jess agreed to buy mine just to get Lorelai off my back. Also because I had a book he wanted held hostage but I'd like to believe he did it out of the goodness of his heart. Jess was a close friend of mine, and I'll concede to admitting I like him. I'm not oblivious though, I could see why Dean was feeling insecure. There was something happening between Jess and Rory, and neither Dean nor I could do anything.

Actually, that was a lie. Dean could break up with her, but the boy was whipped; I could confess, but I'd rather not spoil my friendship with Jess. It was unfortunate though since I think the town knew of my feelings towards the troublemaker, and while I lived in Hartford, I was here a lot because of my friends here, which led to me becoming closer to the townspeople. Ms. Patty and Babette constantly told me they knew a few boys my age that were absolutely delightful but I always declined.

On the day of the event though, it seems as though the Fates wanted to play games with a few teenagers' hearts. I expected Jess to stick with his word. I decorated the fucking basket, for fucks sakes. I even made it all pretty. But he made a scene on the day of the basket bidding by outbidding Dean.

I could practically see Dean's anger rolling off him. He'd make a good cartoon character right now actually. I looked back at Rory and Jess. Rory looked worried for her boyfriend, and Jess looked smug. I'm going to whack a basket over Marianno's head and see if that'll bring his brain cells back.

I whipped out my phone and texted Dean whether he was okay with bidding on my basket, assuring him he didn't have to spend time with me. On a normal day I'd make a sarcastic comment, but I felt bad for him. Dean was like a brother to me, and while I cared for Rory as well, she was leading him on and that really didn't sit right with me.

I followed up the text saying if a creep was bidding against him I'd pay him for the extra money he'll spend. I am not going to get ditched by two guys today.

My basket was finally called on and Dean placed a bid on it, and neither of us were expecting another voice to speak up.


"What the hell?" I didn't realise I said that out loud, but as I whirled around my eyes widened and a smile took over my face.

Tristan Dugray was standing in Stars Hollow and was bidding on my basket.

The smile I had on my face quickly disappeared when I realised Dean would have to outbid him. I haven't seen Tristan since he was sent to military school, which I still need to ask him about since to my knowledge he couldn't even send a fucking letter. I'd love to spend time with Tristan, but I gave Dean my word. I quickly typed a text to Tristan saying to let Dean win the basket, but that I'd spend time with him later but my fingers stopped when Taylor said "And the basket goes to the young blonde gentleman in the back, congratulations! And might I say dear, I certainly approve of him more than Marianno." A few townspeople murmured in agreement.

Someone stab me. I could practically feel my cheeks burning. My own body is a traitor.

I turned around to look at Dean who was grinning at me mouthing "Good luck," I frowned and mouthed back to him saying I gave him my word which he rolled his eyes. He then winked at me before he took his sister's hand and brought her home, but not before teasing me. That asshat. I'm surrounded by idiots.

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