I made my way to the bathroom, Leo followed me. He watched me as I cleaned my face and made myself look presentable. He didn't take his eyes off me once. When I was finished, he took my hands. "Do I look okay?", I asked. "You look incredible as always. You look really sexy this morning." He came closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He started to kiss me passionately. Before I knew it, he had me up against the wall. "No, Leo. We can't do this now.", I said as he kissed my neck, "Ned will be here any minute." Leo looked at me, "Screw him! If we're making love when he gets here, he can wait." When he continued to kiss me, the doorbell rang. "No, Leo. We really can't make love now." He let go of me and just stared at me. "Later.", I whispered, giving him my sexiest look. I took his hand and we went down the stairs together. We stood right in front of the door. I sighed. "What's wrong, baby?", Leo asked worriedly. "I'm just afraid." He squeezed my hand. "Everything will be alright. He won't hurt you. I won't let that happen and if he still tries to hurt you, he will regret it, okay?" I nodded and opened the door.

"Good morning, Ned.", I said, trying to sound confident. "You couldn't have put something more conservative on?!", he said, staring at my cleavage. "Well, Leo loves it.", I replied, smiling at Leo, "And you seem to like it, too. My eyes are up here, Mr Rocknroll!" We went inside and sat down on the couch. Ned turned to Leo, "I would like to talk to her alone." Leo stood up and kissed my cheek. Then he went upstairs. I caught Ned staring at me again. "Hello?! I thought you were here so we could talk about Bear?", I said annoyed. Ned shook his head as if his brain was catching up with him. "I want to see him now." I crossed my arms, "No." He frowned, "Why not?" "Because he's at his grandparents' until tomorrow.", I lied, "You can see him whenever he wants to see you. I won't force my son into doing something he doesn't want to do." I watched how his facial expression changed from pissed to full of hate. I had never seen him looking at anyone like that. He jumped to his feet, ready to take his anger out on me. "You can't control Bear! He's my son too!", he yelled, coming far too close to me. I tried to sound calm as I spoke, "But he lives with me and if he doesn't want to see you, he doesn't have to. He's happy here with Leo and me." I regretted saying that the moment when I finished. Ned grabbed my arm roughly. "You little slut!" He slapped me hard. I didn't even try to fight back, I knew he was stronger than me. "You think he loves you just because he fucked you a few times! That's the only reason why he hasn't left you yet, because he wants to fuck you!" Then he slapped me again, this time even harder. Tears flooded my eyes as I held my cheek. Everything was blurred. I heard Leo running down the stairs. He pulled Ned away from me and yelled at him. "Don't you ever fucking lay a finger on her again! You will be very sorry!" But that didn't stop Ned from trying to ruin everything there was between Leo and me. "You know the kind of guy Leo is! He just wants to screw women just to move on to the next one and that's exactly what he'll do to you! You will be left alone again! Mark my word and don't come crying to me when he finally finds another girl to fuck!" Leo was sick of Ned. He dragged him out and slammed the door in his face. Then he ran back over to me and just held me close to him for a long time. "Don't listen to what he said, Katie. I will never leave you.", he said, rubbing my back. I looked up at him. "Why is he so cruel?" I still had tears in my eyes. "He's jealous and he hates himself for letting you get away. And he's taking that out on other people." Leo wiped my tears away. When he touched my cheek where Ned had slapped me, I flinched. "It's bruised pretty badly, baby." He sat me down on the couch and went to get some ice.

I put my head on his lap and looked up at him so that he could run the ice on my face. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, Katie." I shook my head. "It's okay. Does it look bad?" Leo touched my cheek gently and started caressing carefully. "It doesn't look too good. But that doesn't change the fact that you're beautiful. I was blushing. Still, I wasn't really happy. "Baby, what can I do to make you feel better?", Leo asked, playing with my hair. I sat up to straddled him. "I think you know what will cheer me up." I straddled him and for a moment we just looked at each other like we had always used to. Even when people were around us we were still lost in each other's eyes. When people would see the way we looked at each other and say what we have is true love. They've always been right. What we have is true, but it's not just love. It's much more than that. And now, that we were lost in each other's eyes again I once again realised how much this person meant to me, and that, in return, Leo felt the same for me. It was an overwhelming feeling. I took Leo's face in my hands and kissed him over and over again. I didn't even stop when he stood up and carried me upstairs with my legs wrapped around his waist. I had no idea where we were going but at the same time, I didn't really care. I stopped kissing him when I heard the sound of rustling papers. I opened my eyes and looked around, we were in Leo's office and those papers I heard were now scattered all around the floor next to the desk where he sat me down. "Baby I've never made love in here before.", I said excitedly. Leo smiled at me as he ran his hands down my body and slowly removed my panties. He didn't bother to remove my nightgown though. "Wait a minute", Leo said before he walked out of the room. "Where are you going?" I didn't get an answer to my question. Leo came back as quickly as he had left. He was carrying a blanket. I jumped off the desk and as Leo was spreading out the blanket on the desk, I removed his boxers. Then he picked me up again to lay me down on his desk.

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