Day5-9:Kaslip Garikson

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The Gariksons were a renowned acrobatic couple in the circus world. Merro and Vyski Garikson, joined the circus at different times but found a comfort in each other. They decided o look for amusement in life together.

During a high rise act Vyski felt a cramp making her miss the bar and fell into the net below. When she hit the net something came out a little, once Merro hit the net the force made Vyski pop out their new born boy on the floor slightly under the catching net but with a small wet slap. So Merro, making joke of life name their son after the noise that was made at his birth, Kaslip.

Kaslip spent all of his childhood in the circus, helping with everything he could. His parents helped him gain the acrobatic perks that they had but he was a little more interested in the animals and the strongman act. The animals he was more interrested in was the lions, gaining an attachment with them and also in return. The animal trainer wasnt the best with them.

Kaslip joined his parents in their acrobatic performance. Also learning workouts from the Strongman gaining some good strength and adding that to their performance, Holding his mother while singing and the like. At night he would go see the lions and give them extra food and sometimes lie with them, as if he was one of the pack.

One day Kaslip got tired of the animal trainer hurting the animal the way he was. Kaslip and the trainer, Carthiel, got into a huge fight. Carthiel started mentioning how most of the animals werent acting the way they should be anymore and they will probably get put down, sending Kaslip in a rage and attacked him.

In most of the circus life there is a myth of a Demon Jester who huants and kills people after they make an offering in a vial with blood and a ticket and buried on circus ground. The ticket needs the named of the intendee on it and the blood of the contractor. So people tend to spout off with phrases like, "Don't make me bury the jar." and "This tickets got your name on it." Carthiel used one of these lines towards Kaslip. Most people hushed, some giggled, all knowing that that phrase was a direct threat. The circus master put Kaslip on a weekend hiatus to calm down, seeing as he swung first.

Kaslip took the first day to watch the rest of the performances and slightly enjoy the circus. Also helping people with direction and smiles. He then went to watch the animal performance. Seeing what fully goes on and knowing the behind the scenes problems it infuriated him. That night after everyone went to bed he took this time to release the animals and ushering them towards the nearby forest. The last ones were the lions which he left with. He made sure to get the lions to the forest edge before saying his goodbyes.

The lions eyes shimmered with a brilient blue. The lion nudged Kaslip with a small shock knocking Kaslip to the ground. Kaslip felt a new energy and saw claws appear in his fingers. Hair grew all over his body, the same color as his. His bones twisted and turned and stretched. Once all this was done he looked like a blue leonin (Humanoid Lion race). A voice spoke in his mind faintly but quickly, "Thank you." and then the lions turned and walked away.

Kaslip turned back into his little gnome self but felt a new strength within him. He left in another direction eventually finding a town to call home.

A few days later, Carthiel was let go from his position since there were no animals for him to work with. He was pissed, so he did the unthinkable. He found a larger vial and cut off the tip of his pinky, put a ticket with kaslips name closed it up and went back to the circus the next night and bury it as far as he could under the big tent. 

After a week of being in this new town and making some new friends Kaslip saw the visage of a jester. Most paid no mind to the weird looking jester standing in the road but also giving head walking around it. The jester threw some knives at Kaslip and darted down an ally way.

Kaslip and one of his friends go down the alley way in pursuit. The jester stood their at the end in the shadows laughing with his head slowly spinning clockwise. Kaslips friend tried shooting a crossbow at it missing through the visage in front of them. More knives get thrown by the Jester before it dissapears. The knives stuck in both of them.

Kaslip tells his friend about the curse before the get healed up. Now Kaslip continues with his head on a swivel.

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