Chapter 3: You forgot that it's was fnaf related did you?

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So me and mobox went on a tour and I gotta say this place is SUS as FUCK like only shit kids die here!? Like seriously why the fuck did my parents give a me job where a shit ton of deaths happened??? Well at least I'm calm thanks to mobox sweet help of kindness ☺ BUT MAN no wonder it smells like shit because death bodies huh... well I'm going to buy a gun next time I come to my job just I case if any murders that wear sus purple kills me. After the questionable tour I realized that the restaurant doesn't open until 10 pm so I got some time to waste time so I started to chat with Mobox for little bit.

Me: So mobox what do you do here at this place?

Mobox: Uhhhhh...
Mobox looked puzzle for some reason like bruh I'm waiter how the fuck did you get job here?

Me: Do you clean? Are you a night guard or something? Are you some kind of hall monitor?
Do you do free blow jo-

Mobox: waitress

Me: oh cool we both have the same jobs 🙂

Mobox: yeah

I noticed she put out a drawing table out of her hello kitty backpack

Me: wait you draw and shit?

Mobox87: yeah! I love drawing

Me: huh

HOLY SHIT! OWO. I was seeing her draw and man she draws good, I just love the way she does the shading and her art style looks so cool to me. Man I didn't realize that there's other workers here God I distracted by Mobox87 in the tour.

Mobox: hey Quad can I see how you draw

Me: sure!

I checked the time and OH SHIT I can't fuck around anymore because it 10 pm

Mobox: oops it 10 pm I guess I will see your art work later

Me: well shit your right 😑

Mobox: *giggles*

Well work started so I can't fuck around... I'm probably going treat the other workers like shit (besides Mobox). For some strange ass reasons the gay ass bear was looking at me.

Me: what the fuck are you looking at!

He smell like ass too and samething with the other fuckers on stage.

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