"Okay," Harry said and turned to look at his IV. "How long have I been here?"

"Barely a day. It's Tuesday at 4 pm," she replied.

"How long do I have to stay?" Harry asked.

"Until you finish two more bags of blood, not including this one," Harry looked over to see an entire bag of blood hanging there, and he sighed. "Sorry, sweety, at least another day."

"Does someone have my bag?" Harry asked, and Niall nodded.

"All your stuff from the group home is right here," Niall pointed to the couch against the wall that is beside the bed.

"Can you pass me my school bag and phone?" Harry asked, and Louis nodded and grabbed.

"I will leave you to rest and come check on you in a few hours," she said and left the room.

It was silently as Hary turned on his phone and pulled out his tutoring notebook. He flipped to an empty page and sighed at the number of questions that came in, and started to get to work. Everyone's jaw dropped. Harry just woke up from nearly dying because nine people decided he was nothing better than a sex toy and punch bag, and here he is doing work?

"Um, Harry, maybe you should take a break. The school knows you are in the hospital so that they will understand," Jay said softly. Harry puts his pencil down and turns to face everyone.

"What does my social worker want to talk about?" He asked when no one said anything.

"About us fostering you and then adopting you," Niall blurted out on to be hit in the back of the head by Greg. "Ow," Niall said and pouted while rubbing the back of his head.

"Come again?" Harry said, a bit shocked and wondering if they did any hearing damage.

"We started the paperwork to become foster parents, your foster parents back when you were eight and Niall was ten. It was a whole two years of paperwork and waiting on calls and going back and forth. It was just a mess. The judge looking at our case was being investigated for something I can't remember, but our case got put on hold. After about six years, the investigation was over, and our case got moved to another judge who granted us as foster parents and allowed us to become your foster parents. We were in contact with your social worker and yesterday was when you were supposed to move in with us," Maura said, and Harry just stared blankly at her.

It was silent in the room, everyone waiting for Harry to react, but he was just frozen to his spot, and no one could read his face.

"The cops are here, and they want to talk to Harry if he's ready," Dan said after about thirty minutes of silence and what looks like a staring contest between Niall and Harry.

"Harry, do you want to talk to the cops?" Louis asked but got no response from Harry. He placed a hand on his shoulder, and Harry turned to face him. "The cops are here. Are you ready to talk to them?" Louis asked again, and Harry nodded and cleared his throat. He shook his head and ran a hand down his face.

The cops came into the room, and everyone left the room, and Louis squeezed Harry's shoulder before he walked out.

"Hello, Harry. My name is Detective Halstead, and this is my partner Detective Upton. Can you tell us what happened the day you ended up here?" Detective Halstead asked, and Harry nodded.

He told them about the playroom and what Simon and the other did in as much detail he could remember. He mentioned the taser, the bat hiring, the belt, the hanging, the knife, then the rape. They asked if this had happened before, and Harry nodded. Harry told them about everything that had happened ever since the first day he had arrived in that house. The first time Simon came into his room and raped him. The first time Nick did it. The first he was best up by Nick and Greg. The first time he was best up at school. The first time they raped him as a group. The first time he was double penetrated. The first time he was in the playroom. Then he mentioned the weekly routine of how Mondays are the worst beatings, how he is in the play four times a week, and how they rape him every day. How they beat him every chance, they get. How they verbally abused him. How they treat him. How they won't let him eat and starve himself.

Numbness - Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now