Part 10 - "Drinking My Problems Away"

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I did nothing all night, which was a first. I would normally be doing homework, or maybe even out with Lizzie...

That was an idea actually. I grabbed my phone off the side, and quickly texted her as I sat up.

It was Friday anyway and I didn't really want to be around my mum with her being loved up with 'David'.

'To: Lizzie.

Message: Fancy going out? I'm feeling better and we haven't been out in ages.'

Her reply came back instantly, telling me she was up for it.

I smiled to myself, before making the effort of getting up from my bed and changing out of my school uniform.

I hardly ever went out, and knowing Lizzie she would drag me out to a club where we have to be 18 to get in. Lizzie is very tall so she could probably pass for 18. Whereas I was an average height so I passed for the age that I was.

I decided to wear a short-ish black dress that clung to my curves. Sounds a bit vain, but who cares?

With black heels to add a bit to my height. I quickly did my make up and curled my hair, which I rarely did.

For once, I actually looked nice.

I frowned slightly as I walked downstairs and into the living room, to see David with his arm around my mum.

"You off out then?" my mum asked stupidly when she saw me.

I nodded slightly and glared at David as I saw him scanning his eyes over me. He was such a creep.

"Yeah, if I'm not back by 11, I'll be spending the night at Lizzie's." I told her, which I would probably end up doing anyway.

I frowned again as David carried on looking at me, before walking outside. He was such a freak and I felt horrible around him, like I had to watch what I said and did.

I walked to Lizzie's and smiled as I saw her in a tight red dress, which was shorter than mine.

"Wow, you've actually made an effort." Lizzie smirked. I ignored her comment.

"Should you be wearing that? You do have a boyfriend." I reminded her.

"I know that." She said before rolling her eyes. I frowned slightly as we both began walking to the only club that was decent

'The Chapel.'

I was willing to do anything to get Nathan out of my head.

I walked into the club, both of us dodging being asked for I.D.

I smirked to myself as I saw a few boys taking notice of me. They looked a little older than me, but flirting never hurt anybody.



I don't know why I was I such a loud and packed place. I never went to places like these, but I just wanted to get wrecked and get that 16 year old head fuck out of my mind.

I picked up my glass, which was nearly empty and held it against my lips. I couldn't even remember what was in it any more.

I downed the rest of it and sighed. I was fucking my body up, because of some stupid bloody teenager.

She was only 16 and managed to do so much damage inside my head.

Beth was fucking my entire life up, and I still wanted her.

She was just some kid, the same age as my fucking sister but I wanted her so much that I don't think I would be able to control myself around her any more.

I sighed quietly and ordered another drink, before downing it. All I wanted to do was drink my problems away.


After a few hours I started to feel sick. My stomach was heaving as I rested my head on the bar.

A few minutes later, I heard a giggle. A quiet school girl giggle.

I recognised it instantly and my head shot up, to find Beth with a boy. He looked around her age, possibly a little older.

I frowned as I watched him put his arm around her waist and pull her against him. Beth looked terrified.

I couldn't exactly interfere though.

I watched them both carefully, especially Beth's reaction when he moved his hand down to grab Beth's thigh.

She looked disgusted and horrified. Or maybe that was just my imagination.

I glanced at Lizzie as I watched her walk outside, leaving Beth with the weirdo.

I needed to get her away from him. I stood up and walked over to them, and Beth's eyes lit up when she saw me, before smiling weakly.

I put my hand on the guys shoulder and made him look at me.

He looked pissed off, but I was concentrating more on Beth looking scared.

"I don't think she wants you near her." I told him.

He frowned but turned back to Beth as he pulled her against him.

"I think that she's happy with me." he slurred.

I sighed and looked at Beth.

"Come with me, alright?" I asked, ignoring the guy giving us weird looks.

Beth nodded once and moved away from him, holding onto my hand.

"You know him?"

"Yeah, h-he's a mate." she mumbled, looking up at me nervously.

I smiled slightly and kissed her forehead, as a slight bit of comfort.

I dragged her outside, happy to see that she wasn't drunk.

"How did you even get in there?" I asked, turning to look at her.

"The guard didn't ask us for I.D because we looked old enough." she told me, looking at the floor.

I sighed quietly.

"You're 16, you shouldn't be in places like that."

She nodded, her eyes still on the floor.

"What were you doing in there anyway?" Beth asked, looking down at our hands that were still joined. I pulled my hand away from hers and sighed.

I might as well be honest with her.

"Trying to drink away my problems." I mumbled.

Beth moved away from me and walked off as a confused expression swept over my face.

I followed her and grabbed her wrist.

"Is that what I am to you? Just a problem that you can get rid of by getting pissed?" she asked, her eyes being traced with tears.

Did she not understand at all?

"No, you are so much more." I mumbled, as I held her hand in mine again and played with her fingers.

Beth sighed quietly and put her hand against my cheek, forcing me to look at her.

I smiled slightly as I looked into her eyes, her gaze making me feel slightly dizzy.

She leant up slightly and pressed her lips against mine as I moved my hands to her waist and pulled her against me.

I smiled against her lips as I felt her hands rest on my shoulders before moving up to the back of my neck. I shivered slightly as I felt her hands being dragged through my hair, messing it up slightly.

I wanted her touch so badly and after waiting what seemed like years, I had finally got what I wanted.

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