"You don't have to. I like helping Fizzy, and it is no problem for me. Calculating that will be hard, considering it isn't a set amount of time I spend with her. Sometimes she doesn't need anything. Sometimes it's just something small or clarification. When it is something big, it doesn't take that long, and it's no problem because I don't mind one bit. Getting paid for Sunday is fine with me," Harry argued back, but Jay didn't have it.

"I still think it is unfair. You are doing above and beyond for my daughter, and I need to compensate properly for what you do," Jay said, and Harry shook his head. "I am paying you a hundred an hour for now. I might raise it again, and if you and Fizzy spend a lot of time working during the weekdays, I will transfer you the money for those times as well. I will not take no for an answer and will only listen if you have a solution for me to pay you during the weekdays.

"A hundred is too much," Harry argued back, but Jay just shrugged and leaned back in her chair. "You have seven kids to support, and both you and Dan work hard for that money. Keep that money and put it into their future."

"I am. You are helping Fizzy's future," Jay said, and Louis chuckled.

"You walked straight into that one, mate," Louis said, chuckling, and Harry heavily sighed. He knows he isn't winning this argument.

"Another solution is I pay you a hundred a day and then on Sunday, a hundred an hour," Jay said, and Harry stood there shocked. He was wondering if this woman had just lost it. "Well, on the days you and Fizzy spend more time that hundred would rise to however long you spend."

"Okay, I will take the first option. A hundred per hour on Sundays and during the weekends, you can pay me for when we spend more time on her work," Harry said, and Jay just shrugged.

"Good, I will transfer your eight hundred now," she said and got up, grabbing her phone and walking away, effectively ending the conversation. Harry stood there shocked once again and wondered what the hell had just happened. Why is she acting like this? Most people would be happy with the free tutoring.

"You know I calculated it. You spend about six hours in total during the weekdays tutoring me. Technically that should be fourteen hundred, not eight hundred," Fizzy said, and Harry sighed.

"I'm assuming you told her that?" Harry asked, and Fizzy nodded happily.

"You all have the stubbornness in your genes," Harry muttered under his breath and shook his head.

Louis chuckled and said, "at least now you know where we got it from. But if it really makes you feel so bad, then you can treat me to ice cream."

"Oh, me too," Fizzy said, raising her hands and then sounds of footsteps came running down the stairs.

"Did someone say ice cream?" Daisy asked, and Louis nodded.

"Yup, Harry is treating us to ice cream," Louis said, running up and picking Daisy.

"YAYYYY!" The twins yelled, and Louis put her down, and they ran upstairs to get ready. Harry stood there and blinked. He is sure that every time he steps foot in this house, he never knows what is going on.

"Let's go, Curly," Louis said with a smirk, and Harry just grabbed his bag and followed him out the door. Fizzy and Lottie sat in Louis's car, and both sets of twins were in Jay's car, and they drove to the ice cream parlour. Harry was looking out the window, wondering what game Louis was playing here. The Tomlinson's confuse the crap out of him. They are all so lovely and the best people to be around, but he doesn't understand what is special about him. He doesn't get it.

At the ice cream parlour, they all order their ice cream, and Harry doesn't get anything, but Louis gets two and shoves the other one in Harry's hand.

It turns out Harry didn't end up paying. He did when they bought it, but then Jay transferred the money back into his account, and he sighed because she transferred twenty pounds over the total. He knows they are a right family, with Jay being the head nurse in a private hospital and Dan being a CEO of a very successful company. However, do they all throw money out like that? He doesn't get it, but he doesn't understand anything about the Tomlinson-Deakin family.

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