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italics = flashback
lower case intended

he leaned in close...
my eyes fluttered shut in anticipation...

"oh what's this?" mephisto questioned teasingly.

my eyes snapped open and my gaze landed on mephisto who was a foot away holding a tomato that he clearly wasn't holding before. i turned around and eyed a singular wet tomato in the sink. my heart stopped, my face an alarming shade of red, almost as red as the bloody tomato that still sat mockingly in the sink.

"damn tomato..." i muttered as i stomped my way to the bathroom.

after triple checking that i locked the door, i turned to face the sink. the colour of my face was still akin to that of a tomato. 'omygod that was so embarrassing i can't believe i thought that he was going to kiss me, ugh how can i be so stupid, i've only known the dude for like a day. i wouldn't mind kissing him tho....'

i slapped my cheeks 'now is not the time to be ramble-thinking me, we have got to calm down.

<<mephistos pov>>

the only reason i had leaned into her was to see her reaction, well the tomato too but that was a secondary priority. i had a feeling she like-liked me so i had to find out if she really did or not. her blush was adorable and the confusion that was visible on her face was priceless, even as she stomped her was to the bathroom the tips of her ears were bright red, nearly as red as a tomato.

'do i... like her... no i can't i need to focus on serving graymoor and defeating the princesses ... i don't have time to waste on such things'

mephisto stopped his train of thought rather quickly when he smelled something burning. he turned around to find his slightly raw omelet now burning. not the type of 'oh it's charred black' burning, no, that pan was legitimately on fire. mephisto, not having a lot of experience when it comes to cooking, panicked. his first thought was

' WATER, water puts out fire right' wrong.

the flames in the pan were now twice as high as they were before. mephisto once again, due to his lack of experience with these kinds of situations, panicked.
in his panicked state he didn't even register when the girl stumbled out of the bathroom.

                                  <<y/n pov>>

i finally gathered enough courage to face mephisto again. i walked over to the bathroom door and opened it. the scent of combustion hit my nose, not the 'ooo it smells like marshmallows' combustion, no, the kitchen was on fire. i left for two minutes and guess what: the kitchen is on fire.

                                            • :: •

i sat there, on the couch, treating yet another one of mephistos wounds; a nasty burn he got from trying to grip a pan that was on fire. honestly what am i going to do with this dumbass, he's gonna get himself killed one of these days. now you must be wondering how the fire was put out. well....

" fuking fire" i screeched. this seemed to catch mephistos attention and he came running at me with a pan that was on fire. so i dodged, like anyone would and let him crash onto the floor, with the flaming pan.

nothing too bad happened of course just a mild concussion and a pan that wasn't on fire anymore. i mean you win some you loose some i guess. anyways

mephisto lay there passed out on the floor. i finally took the time to get the fire extinguisher which was on one of the walls of the kitchen. obviously mephisto didn't know what a fire extinguisher was and he completely ignored the strange mortal device hanging from a wall. i proceeded to extinguish the fire that had now almost spread to the cupboards.

to sum it all up: fire poof gone. anywho, mephisto woke up some time ago and profusely apologised for not finishing the breakfast. which was, in all honesty, a secondary concern at the moment. i had assessed him for any more injuries and, surprise surprise, i found a bad looking burn on the side of his hand. so here we are now; mephisto pouting while i bandage him up for the second time in the last 24 hours.

it's been a while....
also it's smack in the middle of exams week woooooo
kill me


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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