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A year and a half later!

"Everybody sure is going crazy!" Quade spoke with amusement, and laughed at some kids who were fooling around.

"Why wouldn't they! It's Blue Moon!"

Quade and Connor were as usual, rounding the pack, taking in the lively atmosphere filled with cheerful laughter and giggles.

It had been over a year since the last time the pack was attacked and since then, even if the healing was slow things had changed for the better. Now, the pack knew that there was no crazy person after their kind, and thirsting for their blood.

With Seth gone, many of the pack's tensions were also non-existent. Though, that war had not brought good things for everybody.

Where Quade and Ansel were now deeply in love and living their life, things weren't the same for others. For Connor, he had lost his mate, who wasn't actually his mate. He also lost the one boy he thought he genuinely loved- Brandel.

Just after the war ended, Brandel packed his bags and left for the life he had been living before he fell for Connor. He did not ask questions, and nor did he seek the answers for them, as he just wanted to get away from the one man who broke him apart.

The same went for Mateo. Not soon after Seth was taken away, he too was called by the Lord no one knew about, and since that day, Mateo's whereabouts were unknown. But this time, Quade knew why his father had to leave and he decided to wait for not just his return, but also for his mother's.

It was the Blue Moon again.

It had been exactly two years since Ansel became a wolf, and not one day had passed since then, when he did not think of the talk he had with the Moon Goddess. No one knew that Ansel had met with her. He refused to tell anyone anything, even Quade for that matter.

And because he did not tell anyone about that fateful meeting, no one knew that once again, after two years, they would have to say their goodbyes.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?" Quade whispered as he slipped his arms through his mate's slim waist and sighed in content. Ansel too slumped back into his mate's presence and groaned deeply.

When he had met the Moon Goddess, Ansel had not thought much of what she asked off him in return, but now, after two years of being loved, being able to love and sharing the warmth for each passing second of the day, Ansel was scared.

And as the moon turned more blue, so did Ansel's fear.

He was not ready to go, to leave everything he had built, behind. Yet, all he could do was live in the few moments he was left with; cherish them as much as he could before it would be too late.

"It's time to go!" Quade mumbled in his neck and breathed the calming scent of his mate. The past two years had been a blessing for Quade, and he didn't forget to thank the Goddess for that. But for the past few months, he knew there was something troubling his mate.

Ansel would seldom get lost in his thoughts, and almost every night Quade would quietly hear him weep, unable to do anything. And as the days went by, the more silent Ansel got.

There was something that was eating him away, yet Quade was powerless to do anything. So, he hoped that on this Blue Moon, he would gift Ansel the heart of the Goddess. He hoped that his love would be enough for Ansel to feel safe, and things would go back to how they were.

Soon everybody was next to the Moon Lake, which was just like every time, glistening in the showers of moon's bright light.

Ansel was sitting besides the lake and staring deeply at it.

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