Transfer Student Time

Start from the beginning

"I see." Koro-sensei hummed, touching the area of his head where his chin would be, if he had one, "So you're exploiting a loophole in my teaching agreement to call a machine my student." He looked at the machine, "Very well. Welcome to the E Class, Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery."

"Thank you, Koro-sensei." AIFA responded after the girl appeared on the screen again.


After Karasuma was done with introducing Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery to E Class, he and Bitch-sensei left the classroom and Koro-sensei was allowed to properly start the first class. He began the class by writing something down on the blackboard from the textbook and his students made sure to write down as much as they could in their notebooks, though many of them had problem with paying attention to their teacher, because their attention was focused on the machine in the back of the classroom,

"Now, of these three characters here..." Koro-sensei began his lecture as he turned away from the blackboard to look at his students.

Kayano titled her head towards Nagisa and whispered to him, "But how's it going to attack?"

"How's what?" Nagisa questioned as he shifted his attention from Koro-sensei to Kayano.

"They call it a fixed artillery, but where are the guns?" Kayano asked.

Y/N who overheard the conversation between Nagisa and Kayano turned around to look at the machine, wondering about the same thing as his friends did. Perharps some guns were hidden inside AIFA and would come out of her once she'd begin her attack on Koro-sensei? He had no idea. He will probably find out in the near future.

Nagisa placed his hand on his chin, beginning to wonder about Kayano's question, "Hmm, maybe..."

"...But is this really out of concern for Kajii?" Koro-sensei continued his lecture as he turned away from his students towards the blackboard.

Right after the octopus turned away from his students, a roll of green data appeared on the screen of the machine in the back of the classroom. It's sides bursted open, letting out some smoke and two large guns, the one on the left being a gun with four berrels, and the one on the right being a gun with a single long berrel, were aimed right at Koro-sensei.

"I knew it!" Nagisa exclaimed.

Y/N nodded his head to himself, his eyes almost hopping out of their sockets as his theory about the AIFA turned out to be correct.

"Wow!" Sugino exclaimed, his eyes refusing to close, because of how shocked he was.

It was just seconds before the machine started her strike. She opened fire at Koro-sensei, releasing a literal bombardment of Anti-Sensei's pellets at Koro-sensei, making all of the students in the classroom duck their heads as they didn't want to get caught between her and her target. Koro-sensei used his Mach 20 speed to avoid the pellets fired his way by the machine, making them hit the blackboard behind him.

"Four shotguns and two machine guns." Koro-sensei said as he continued to dodge the pellets with ease, "That's a veritable cascade of bullets, but it's just what I've come to except from my students and discharding firearms during class is prohibited for safety reasons."

Koro-sensei slowed down a bit when he saw a pellet flying right towards his face. He stopped it by hitting it with a piece of chalk, making it fly away from him as the AIFA stopped her attack, her guns folding back into the machine.

"I will be careful." Her face appeared on the screen again, "Preparing to attack."

Most of the class flinched as she started preparing another attack, the green data appearing on the screen once again. Karasuma and Bitch-sense were watching everything through the window from the hallway.

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