{~Ep. 7~}

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I can walk normally now...

So... Me and the others were going to help Jakarta and Manila Escape... I climb on the porch what did we do with the guards you ask? Well...

A few minutes ago

"I told you! I am not wearing that girly ass outfit hell nah!" F.t refuses "Oh come on You two! You guys are the only females here! Just wear it for the sake of Jakarta and Manila!" Martial said

"Fine!... Ew!" Lan said and took it closing her eyes F.t took it and changed.. They got out the outfit was a crop top and short shorts F.t growled "After this... I wont hesitate to MURDER you guys in your sleep!" F.t said in a threatening voice Lan was just giving us a death glare

so... The plan is they will go infront of the house distracting the guards... Yes there ARE guards on the porch but... There is a window fron the porch that can make them see the front of the house seeing them... While they were distracted Del and Martial managed to make both two guards faint hitting the back of their neck super stealth!

We opened the door "Jakarta? Manila?" i said we look around for a bit... The blanket on the bed moved down.. We saw the two Manila whined... Jakarta was bruised... Manila was naked... The more we look at Manila the more we saw the littering bite marks, hickeys and kiss marks, Martial muttered an ' oh my...' under his breath

He quickly took his shirt off since we didn't bring one for Manila and put it on him he also took pants from his bag... Since Del sometimes wets his pant-

okay okay just kidding.. But he does at bed... Nevermind... He put it on manila as he picked Manila up "Jakarta can you walk?" Vietcong said walking to Jakarta we were staying guard outside,

Jakarta shook his head as in no Vietcong picked Jakarta up and we left...

"Uhh... F.t and Lan?" Mpaja said "Over here Idiots!" Lan said and we saw her buttoning a long sleeved shirt and was now also wearing pants same as F.t "As i said im.. we're not letting you slide!" F.t said threatening us we gulped "At least we got Manila and Jakarta safe!"

{~A few hours later~}

I winced at the pain of my ass...why they gotta stomp on my dick? I heard Lan pop her knuckles and leave "D- damn... Why did w- we teach them h- how to fight!" Del said and whined "I don't k- know..!" I said and whined

{~Manila POV~}

i cuddle with Jakarta a bit longer feeling safety as he kissed my head stroking my hair softly "we're safe now Manila.." he said and i fell into deep slumber..

{~Lan Chang POV~}

can't get over Vientiane's death... He just died after we took Jakarta and Manila... Murdered by Ching Chong... I will avenge her... Once we find the Book Of Revival... Jakarta went in "I know where it is..." he said we look at him.. Uh.. My brothers are being healed... Yeah... In this room... yeah... "Where?" F.t quickly got up and asked

"Asean hid it around Leyte Phillipines grounds.. I recommend to save Either Palawan or Boracay... They should know... Asean told them where it exactly is..." Jakarta said we nodded..

He left us alone "Great more saving!" Vietcong complained "We ain't wearing those stuff again.." Lan reminded the other 7 they nodded.. "Though... Isn't Palawan and Boracay already murder-" "Aklan or Visayas.. Boracay must've told them" Khmer said..

No More <Asean country humans AU>Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu