Start from the beginning

He frowned then, turning to her. "Curiosity, my que—?"

"Curiosity to see what's going on between you and her. I want to see it unfold."

He arched an eyebrow. "And here I thought you agreed because I am your guar—"

"Get real, Koldis."

He huffed. "Nothing is unfolding, Claire. Hate to disappoint you."

But he couldn't help the wary feeling budding in his chest. Was Claire right? Was there something more than the age-old-animosity between them. Claire crossed her arms and glared at him, as if reading his mind. "Cut that out," he snapped before turning on his heel and retreating to his room.

Once inside, he began pacing. Were he normal, he would have simply disappeared into the city to be alone. But he knew exactly what that meant. He'd have to subject himself to the thoughts and emotions of the animals he crossed paths with. He didn't need to know how much fear an insignificant squirrel felt upon smelling him. He didn't need the reminder of his predatory nature. He rejoiced in his dragon, but the animals he encountered made sure to remind him that they didn't.

"Koldis?" Claire knocked at his door. "I'm coming in." He opened his mouth to protest but she waltzed in. Her eyes swept over him, calculating. He knew he should have told her. He should have explained why he was so irritable. It was ridiculous that he didn't. But part of him wasn't ready to hear her tell him he was overreacting, that he was making a bigger deal about this than he should have. He was her guard. He didn't need her thinking he was weak.

"You know, I'm here if you want to talk about it."

He swallowed, taking a deep breath. "I know," he said at last. "I think...I just need a walk and some fresh air." No, that was absolutely not what he needed.

She looked as if she wanted to say more, but stopped herself, nodding instead.

So he swept past her and out of the room.


The city was bustling. The hour leading up to the evening meal was always the busiest. Sprites rushed about as they finished their final tasks before retiring for the day.

After glancing around, he set out on a path that would take him to the edge of the city, but not too far that he couldn't find his way back. It was only as the dwellings thinned that he realized this was the same path that had led to the sick stag.

A frightened squeak jolted him from his brooding. Hunter. Beast. Flee! A rustle followed as a rabbit darted across his path and into the undergrowth on the opposite side. He snorted. As if he'd ever want something as insignificant as a rabbit. More frightened thoughts followed this one. Animal thoughts weren't as coherent as some might think. They were often jumbled and ruled by emotion more than words, yet, somehow his mind managed to put into words the feelings encompassed in each of their desperate inklings. Smaller creatures often didn't have much in the way of words, simply broadcasting pure emotion. Larger animals were more coherent.

He continued onward, well aware of every creature and the disdain they regarded him with. Most chose to stay hidden, hoping to wait out his passing. He pushed their fear away, trying to clear his mind. It was an effort, one easier said than done.

Pets, yes. Itch there. So goooood. The next thoughts he encountered were refreshing. They weren't filled with fright, but rather, joy and love. He hesitated, knowing that if he continued on this path he'd find a blessing of unicorns milling about.

Love you. Safe with you. Their overflowing emotion hit him square in the chest, pushing deep. It was different from the way his chest often felt when encountering large animals. Still, he rubbed his hand over his sternum. He should have stopped, turned around and gone back. But instead, he continued until the blessing came into view.

Koldis the Green (DRAGONWALL SERIES 4)Where stories live. Discover now