New Faces and New Occurrences

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/3rd Pov/

A woman with light blonde ponytail with beautiful baby ocean blue eyes. She wore a white shirt with gold, black, and red design patterns, ruffled sleeves with ocean blue and gold gloves over top. She has on white pants and boots with matching beige/cream and gold markings, and an ocean blue belt with more marking of the same color as the pants that has a matching cape. The cape as more gold patterns with a gem on the corner. The cape is connected to a collar that sits perfectly on the shoulders and goes up the neck halfway that is a white color with a gem. On her left was the man who asked Amber about what was going on. On her right was a woman with light brown hair in a fairly loose side pony that was tied together with a rose hair tie. She wore a purple witch hat on her head that was covered in purple markings and had the same purple rose as the hair tie. She has a small purple cape that rests on her shoulders and around her neck that is connected by two chains, and one has a purple pendant connecting the two chains while the other is just a chain. She wears a dress that has white fabric on her chest and a purple skintight fabric piece that flies down into a dress but cuts of at the top of her Thigh on both side and then flows in the back as a dress, the length of the dress is past her knees. The entire dress was covered in a gold pattern with a golden rose at her waist. She has on black shorts lace at the bottom and thigh high socks with lace at the top. She has on dark purple boots with a light purple at the top and gloves of the same color scheme. They all are waiting for Amber to explain what happened as she fiddles with her fingers trying to calm herself. Meanwhile, Aether was looking for anyway to leave. Paimon just stared at him as he panicked and didn't know what to do. She flew over to him and hugged him. He calmed down a bit and hugged her back. Amber stopped fiddling with her fingers and watched them. She grabbed Aether's hand and led him to a seat on the bench. As he started to walk towards it, Paimon flew around him in a circle before plopping right best to him as he sat down. Aether just looked around as the others stared at him. Amber began to explain what happened. "Well, I ran into these two in my patrol. They told me that They were heading to Mondstadt to look for Aether's sister who is currently missing. When we got into Mondstadt we were headed here when Stormterror attacked. He was flown into the air by one of his tornados and he used a glider I gave him to steady himself. He fought off Stormterror and I couldn't really see what happened. But I did see him get hit with Stormterror's tail. I saw him come crashing down before he re-steadied himself. When he came down, I checked him for and injuries just to see the giant bruise forming on his torso. And then we came here so I could give you a debriefing on what happened and so he could get healed up." They all nodded and soaked in what Amber said meanwhile Aether was drifting off. Jean stood up and walked over to him, but he was fast asleep. She smiled a bit, and motion for the rest of them to come over. "Kaeya, can you carry him to Barbara. We will all be joining you to get any other information from people." They all nodded and Paimon flew to Kaeya and said, "Don't drop him." in a voice letting the rest know she was worried about him.

Kaeya carried the sleeping sunshine boy bridal style as he walked to the Cathedral where Barbara was staying during the day. Once they get there, Kaeya set down the sleeping boy on one of the benches. He proceeds to look for Barbara around the Cathedral leaving Paimon to watch over Aether while he rests.

As Kaeya comes back with Barbara to the bench, Amber walks back in with Lisa and Jean. Jean sits down next to him and lifts up his head and places it's on her lap. Barbara comes over with a med kit and lifts his shirt to check the wound. She disinfected the area around the bruise and the bruise itself. After that she bandaged him with the help of Kaeya and Jean. 

After they finished, Kaeya carried him back to Headquarters and let him rest more on the couch. Paimon snuggled next to him and the Knights of Favonius assigned jobs and started on the clean-up.

/Aether Pov/

I awoke to a beautiful sunrise peering through the windows of a large office room. The floor is covered in gorgeous rug and the wall are covered in books. I try to sit up but end up wincing halfway from the pain in my abdomen.

After I adjusted, I stood up and walked over to the window and peered out to see what was going on. I watched out the window for a bit when the door open. Standing in the doorway was the light blonde woman for before.

/Jean Pov/

I walked into my office to check on the traveler. When I opened the door, he was gone until I looked over to the window to see two golden eyes staring at me as the sun shone from behind him.

"Excuse me, but do you know where Paimon went?" He asked me in a soft yet sweet voice. I nodded and proceeded to talk to him. "My name is Jean, and I am the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. "

He smiled and said, "I'm Aether, it's nice to meet you." I walked over to the couch and motion for him to sit with me.

I talk him though what happened after he was out and he filled me in on the fight. After we finished our discussion we headed out the door and headed towards the library to fill in Lisa.  I hope that this situation with Stormterror dies down. I also hope that the boy will be ok, he took a pretty big hit. "How is your bruise feeling? " I ask. He looks at me and shakes his head "It's a bit sore when touch and hurt a bit when I was getting up hut it'll go away on it's own in time."


"Are you ok? Does Paimon need to get you help? Are you dying? Paimon was so worried!!!"

I watch as the little flying creature frantically flies around him and them snuggles into his neck and cries. I can't help but smile at their close bond to each other for only knowing one another for a small while.
Hey everybody sorry for the delay in writing but it keep coming up with random stories and end up forgetting about this one and I was struggling in the motivation department, but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Bai~ 😊

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