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T h e  M u r d e r  o f  J e o n  D o - Y u n
Word count: 845 words


It had been an agonising first few minutes of the ball. Princes, who were supposed to be here for Jisung, had swarmed Y/n in an instant. They flirted with her, their sad pick up lines seeming endless.

Y/n's face spelt that of absolute disgust, which made the boys nervous. Some stayed resilient while others strayed away to gawk at the Prince. Y/n found her attention more on Jisung then the other princes lapping at her feet.

'He is handsome.'
Y/n thought, a smirk playing on her lips as the boys stopped their flirting in confusion.

She brushed past them, walking over to the crowd of girls around Jisung. Jisung had noticed her coming his way, and tried to hide how red his face had gotten.

'She's even more beautiful than in the picture... she has to be mine.'
Jisung thought, his head racing with the thoughts of their wedding.

"Excuse me, but are you Prince Jisung?" The princess said, almost piercing into Jisung's eyes with her own. A blush adorned the prince's cheeks the minute she spoke. Her voice was so light, none the doubt soothing to the ears.

"Yes. Yes I am, my beautiful bride." Jisung commented, a happy grin spreading across his face. The other girls groaned as some of them sobbed, running to their fathers for aid. But to no avail as the disturbed Kings just took no interest, absorbed in their own conversations.

"Who said I was going to be your bride? Please, try harder, my prince." Y/n snorted, before giggling under her breath. Jisung swore he could feel his heart skip a beat, oblivious to the rejection. He fiddled with the hem of his blazer, suddenly feeling small yet powerful under her gaze. Her wonderful, (e/c) gaze.

"Say, are you Princess Y/n of House Min?" Questioned Jisung, who laughed a little at his words. The Princess laughed as well, before putting her hand out for the Prince to shake.

"Your funny, mister Jisung. Let's be friends, as I only came here from interest. And you sure are interesting."

Jisung's heart dropped, as well as his smile. She just wanted to be friends. That wasn't enough, that could hardly be enough for the lovesick Prince, plagued by that same love he sought out for.

Y/n noticed his demeanor change, instantly sensing his dissapointment with her words. She held his hand, bringing it up to hers. Jisung immediately looked up at her, a shocked yet fascinating look in his round eyes. The Princess then placed his hand gently in hers, then shook it firmly.

"It was nice meeting you, Jisung. If I have the chivalry to call you that. I hope to see you again." She smiled, her (h/l) hair swaying a little as she tilted her head to the side.

How adorable her smile was. Jisung was about to speak before an ear shattering scream filled the ballroom. Everyone looked to were it originated from, just as a maid had ran out of the hallway waving her hands around.

"My King! My King! There is horrible news, my King!" She sobbed, her eyes filled with genuine fear.

King Han stormed towards the frail woman, an unhappy look in his eyes.
"Why do you disturb my ball, maid?" He boomed, the anger in his voice obvious.

"The maid, Do-Yun. S-she's dead!" The maid stuttered, her hands soon finding purchase in her hair.

A gasp rippled around the ball room. Y/n was stunned. How could this have happened? Her hand slowly slipped out of Jisung's, crawling up her body to land above her mouth. Hyun-Woo and Yoongi were also shocked, their mouth agape a wide with shock.

Jisung tried to hide the small smile threatening to show on his face. They had found her sooner than he had thought. He noticed the Princess's shock and used this to his advantage.

The prince plastered a shocked expression on his face before speaking in an alarmed voice.
"How could this be?! T-this is impossible. Is everyone okay?!" He shouted, his voice perfectly hiding his intentions.

The princes and princesses around the room stared in awe at Jisung's care and kindness towards the maids. Of course, Jisung always cared for the staff of the House of Min, all except the late Jeon Do-Yun.

"Y-yes, we are okay my prince. Thank you for being so caring in this dire hour." The maid said, her scared demeanor calming.

"Where was she found, maid?" The King said, his voice full of seriousness and authority. It was rare to see the King like this.

A loud gasp had erupted after the maids words, eyes turning towards the Prince. Y/n immediately backed away, putting as much space between her and Jisung as possible. Jisung mentally facepalmed.

"She was found on your bedroom floor, my prince. A pair of scissors in her hand."

My King, My Love  (JISUNG SKZ FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now