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T h e E n c o u n t e r o f H o u s e M i n
a n d H o u s e H a n
Word count: 552 words


The days awaiting the ball loomed around the corner, the Palace of Han bustling with excitement and preparation in place.

Prince Jisung was found talking to one of his butlers, discussing the arrangements of flowers during the ball. He seemed agitated at the butler's words, but hid it with a finality as he saw his father walking towards him, King Min at his side.

Both Jisung and the butler bowed low infront of the two Kings. The butler gave the Prince a small smile before scurrying away to tend to other matters.

"What brings the King of the House of Min to this estate, father?" The prince asked, fiddling with his fingers as he listens intently to the King's words.

"His daughter will be attending the ball, and of course you know that is a great deal of importance Jisung." The King stated.

King Min brought his hand up to shake Jisung's, a powerful aura weaved into his smile.

"I am King Min, it is a pleasure to see the one behind this gracious event. It will surely be a delight to all that the House of Han will be hosting such a celebration." The King praised. Jisung could feel his soft, pearlescent cheeks start to warm under the King's words.

"T-thank you, my Lord." Jisung stutters. King Min chuckles at Jisung's shyness, a low rumble emanating from his chest.

"Please, call me Hyun-Woo." Jisung was shocked by his words. It was strange for a person of such status to approach someone of lower status with such kindness, although Jisung was a Prince.

"Okay, Hyun-Woo." He said.

"Great. I honestly thought my daughter would decline. She seemed so dulled at the mention of a ball. She seems to take interest in you, Prince Jisung." The King murmured, a smirk playing on his lips.

"..what does this princess look like? She seems to be a nice person I'm sure." Jisung asked. Hyun-Woo pulled out a small picture of the Princess Y/N from a pocket hidden beneath the folds of his extravagant clothing.

"Oh, she seems-" Jisungs words caught in his throat. The picture of the girl had entranced him, the way her (h/c) hair complemented her fair complexion. Her (e/c) eyes almost staring into his, it was almost love at first sight. Jisung's grip on the photo tightened as his cheeks grew such a furious pick shade it was almost feverish.

"..what is her name, Hyun-Woo?" The lovestruck Prince asked, prodding for the answer, but getting a low rumble of laughter instead of actual words.

"You can find that out at the ball, my boy. You seem to like her. Though I do warn you.." Hyun-Woo leans towards Jisung's ear, his breathing quiet and hushed.

"She might not be fond of you at first, but you have to capture her heart."

"I will. I have to, I need to."
Jisung sprinted back in the direction of the butler, the picture of Y/N still in his hands.

"Go to the House of Min, and tell me this girls name"

My King, My Love  (JISUNG SKZ FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now